Best Practices

Best Practice : I

1. Title: BUDS THINK (Bharathidasan University Depicts Scholastic Themed High Intent Nobel Knowledge)

2. Objectives of the Practice
i. To Disseminate the Nobel Prize Topics across a vast spectrum of the Faculty, Researchers, Students and others every year.
ii. To arouse interests of students on the novelty and significance of Nobel Prize and Nobel Prized Topics every year.
iii. To arrange knowledge-celebrative-earnest-deliberations on all the Six Nobel Prize Topics that are awarded the Nobel Prize every year.
iv. To instill confidence in the students/scholars/faculty that committing to path breaking research that might get them world recognition one day or other in within reach.

3. The Context
This is knowledge world. Every day inventions, innovations, products, processes and all get newly created through scientific/ technological/ economic/ literary/ societal advancements having their roots in pioneering path breaking research or exemplary achievements under trying conditions. In a world of competition, competition for research is also needed. Status-quo-ism needs to be undone; innovative pursuits need to be embedded in us. The need for 'competence' backed by ‘confidence’ can never be over stated. The great brains of the nation need to be prepared to achieve the best of innovations and won laurels globally.

The BUDS THINK program is directed at achieving the above said goals through scintillating talks and seminal deliberations on Nobel Prize themes every year. Alfred Nobel himself would say, ‘For the Greatest Benefit to Mankind’. Yes, knowledge sharing on the prestigious noble prized themes would benefit our stakeholders through ‘knowledge with edge’. Each of the Nobel Prized Topic needs to be dealt in-depth through deliberations and also celebrations. The annual Program, ‘BUDS THINK is intended to benefit the research minds/brains in the faculty/scholars/students/ learners/society and all lovers of Invigorating Inventions in Physics/Chemistry and Medicine/Physiology, Triumphant excellences in Literature/Economic Sciences and Phenomenal Achievements in the arena Global Peace.

4. The Practice
i. The BUDS THINK event is to take place every year in the Even Semester entrenching in the minds/brains of all, of the urge to do scholastic research work of the finest order taking cues and stimuli from the Nobel Prize themes and awardees.
ii. Every year the Departments of the University in six groups celebrate and deliberate the allotted Nobel Prize Themes, with one lead Department for each group for full responsibility
iii. The Bharathidasan University would fund the BUDS THINK and the expenditure, imputed/out of pocket comes to about Rs.50,000 per theme.
iv. Best Brains from reputed institutions of higher education/research/industry/polity who are thorough/who work on the Nobel Prize Topics of the year are invited to give illuminating lectures/demonstrations/lead the deliberations.
v. Though the major audiences are our Students, Scholars and Members of the Staff, any interested persons are also encouraged to participate and share views.
vi. The lectures and deliberations are documented and brought out as a Monograph comprising all the Six Prized Themes.

5. Evidence of Success
The first edition of BUDS THINK, 2017 (Bharathidasan University Depicts Scholastic Themed High Intent Nobel Knowledge), under the aegis of the IQAC is staged providing a unique opportunity to the Students/Scholars and Members of the Faculty of the University to Think, Talk, Deliberate and Discern the eruditely elegant inventions/research works that the World acclaims with awards- the Nobel Prizes every year. The spontaneity of participation is great evidencing the success. Here is a knowledge addition for every discerning participant.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Organizing six programs every year on the Nobel prized topics is a pleasure, except on the finance side and time at disposal. Yet, every pain is worthy of the gain. Resource persons also get scarcer. However the information available in public domain, thanks to internet, is of a confidence building type.

Best Practice : II

Title of the Practice:  School-University-Industry-Tie-up Scheme (SUITS)
3.31 lakh students have been provided skill development training on the 8 computer science programs under SUITS from interested schools in Tamil Nadu during from 2013 onwards.

World Records on  SUITS: Created a world record in enrolled highest number of school students in skill development course by university in an Academic Year. 82812 students were enrolled in the year 2016-17.
“Most Number of Students Enrolled in the Skill Development Program Conducted by a University”

Elite World Record, UK
Unique World Records, Dubai & India

“Highest Number of School Students Enrolled in Skill Development Course Conducted by a University for one Specific Intake”

 Asian Records Academy, Singapore
“Greatest Number of School Students Enrolled in Skill Development Course of an Institution in an Academic Year”  

India Records Academy, Mumbai
“Maximum Number of School Children Enrolled in Computer Science Skill Development Courses conducted by a University”

Tamilan Book of Records, Chennai
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Recruiting huge number of invigilators for conducting the examinations in the school premises is the one. Entire logistics of question papers & answer scripts, valuation process of OMR answer scripts and printing of mark statement and university convocation in a stipulated time, is to be taken cognizance with meticulous effect.

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