Institutional Distinctiveness

The University has established many innovative practices. To cite some of them:

Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority and thrustof the institution in not more than 500 words.

CENTUM- Centres of Excellence of Nation – Tamilnadu - University Make:
A distinctive feature of Bharathidasan University is the spontaneous sprout of, or spin-off from Departments, many Centres with Excellent Track Record. The emergence of these centres is due to the functional autonomy to Academic Departments and individual mindset of working pointedly on a core theme that is up-coming with great potentials.  Extra-mural funding support for many of these centres indicates their relevance.

Diversity of Centres: The University has 29 Centres consisting of high-end research centres, extension work related centres, niche academic study tilted language centres and some service-oriented centres.

Brave New World: In fact the leadership vision of positively aligning with the University’s Vision of ‘We Will Create a Brave New World’ has also worked well in ‘spotting, nourishing and grooming novelty/idea champions, be these individuals/groups/ units so that worthy creative and focused themes/schemes are endeared and reared well enough resulting in a plurality of development sinews growing into substantial and substantive knowledge, skill and innovation repositories’.

Research based Centres

1. The National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria.
2. The National Repository for Microalgae and Cyanobacteria – Fresh-water (NRMC-F).
3. The Centre for High-Pressure Research is in the School of Physics.
4. The National Centre for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (NCAAE).
5. The Centre for Research and Development of Siddha-Ayurveda Medicines (CRDSAM) with
the School of Life Sciences.
6. The Centre for Bio Inorganic Chemistry floated in 2008.
7. The Centre for Organometallic Chemistry (COMC) established recently in 2016 are supported
by various national funding agencies like UGC, CSIR, DST-SERB and Indo-French Centre
for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), New Delhi.
8. Centre for Nano-Science and Technology is having reservoir of senior faculty from different
Departments as the area is inter-disciplinary and got great work done.
9. Centre for Climate Change Research is unique and the world needs it with the kind of  
catastrophic behavior of climate change putting everyone including the mighty States cross

Society Significant Centres

While every centre has its greatness, a few need a mention each because of the constituencies these address.

1. The Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy generates academic debates and
discussions towards achieving an egalitarian society.
2. The Centre for Differently Abled Persons (DAPs) is of great significance of a different order
and condition providing training in Information and Communication Technology, Assistive
technology, and many more.
3. The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (IECD) in the Faculty of Arts
addresses the great need of nurturing entrepreneurship among masses, particularly School
Children and women.
4.  The Human Consciousness Yogic Centre is fourth national facility in BDU, funded by the
UGC under a scheme for "Promotion of Yoga Education and Practice in Universities" during
the year 1993.

In sum, these centres are adding finer niches and nuances to the BDU’s Honour.

'புதியதோர் உலகம் செய்வோம்'
We will create a brave new world