Curricular Aspects

The University offers a fairly wide range of study programmes. In all, the number of programmes offered are as follows: 40 PG programmes including M.A., M.Sc. and M.Tech., 31 M.Phil., 33 Ph.D., 19 P.G. Diploma, 11 Diploma and 10 Certificate programmes. The PG programmes are conducted under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in semesters. Of these, some of the prgroammes are on emerging frontier areas.

Among the curricular innovations, the following deserve special mention:

Choice-Based Credit System

All our PG programmes have been brought under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), with flexibility for the students in course options, outside his/her discipline; some credits need to be earned outside the group of related disciplines. For instance, a student studying in any one of the life sciences programme shall earn some credits from outside the group of life sciences, say, from physical sciences, social sciences etc.

In tune with the emerging trends, most of the conventional programmes have been restyled in tune with the emerging trends.

Job Oriented Programmes

Several PG Diploma, Diploma and Certificate programmes offered in the Departments and in affiliated colleges concurrently with basic degrees are career oriented.

Career Oriented Programmes

The various M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes conducted in the various Departments, especially in the Science Departments focus mainly on academic and research careers. Also, some of the programmes have been so designed with direct career relevance with a creditable record of 100% placement.


All the Departments of the university enjoy academic autonomy, with the freedom to frame their own syllabi and conduct examinations. The BIM enjoys full autonomy (academic, administrative and financial).

Curricular Revision

The curriculum of various programmes offered in the University Departments are revised and updated regularly by injecting emerging trends. The curricular structure provides ample scope for laboratory courses, field work and project work. All the PG programmes have project work as a compulsory component.

The teaching-learning process is strengthened through intensive laboratory courses, assignments, group seminars, field visits and project works, home works, subject quiz, etc. The use of audio-visual equipments has been facilitated and they are more frequently used. The students use the internet facility widely for preparing their assignments. All the Departments are having library, housing thousands of text and advanced level books in their areas of research and many scientific journals. The students coming from different streams are initiated into the programme of study through introducing lectures and orientation programmes.

Boards of Studies

For the programmes offered in the University Departments, all the faculty members from the Departments, experts from other university departments and industries and one alumni constitute the Board of Studies. The syllabi and other curricular aspects of the university departments are different from those of affiliated colleges.

Innovations in curricula

Syllabi for the different courses have been structured into different units. Mostly the units may correspond to modulus. Some of the programmes have inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional characters.

Curriculum in affiliated colleges The curricular role of the university in respect of affiliated colleges merits some elaboration. In total, more than 200 programmes are offered in affiliated colleges. Many colleges teach PG programmes in frontier subjects and a wide variety of career oriented Certificate and Diploma programmes. There is a provision for concurrent study that a student in day-college can simultaneously do a Certificate / Diploma programme in the evening college and/or distance education.

Distance Education mode

The PG programmes offered in the Centre for Distance Education follow the same curricula of the regular stream. Under semester system, the examinations are conducted along with the regular stream and the results are published simultaneously.

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