Programs Offered (2024-2025)
(University Departments / Centers Only)

PG Programs

# Degree Subject Department
1M. Ed.EducationDepartment of Educational Technology
2M.A.TamilDepartment of Tamil
3M.A.EnglishDepartment of English
4M.A.HistoryDepartment of History
5M.A.SociologyDepartment of Sociology
6M.A.EconomicsDepartment of Economics
7M.A.Gender StudiesDepartment of Women's Studies
8M.A.Human Resource ManagementDepartment of Lifelong Learning
9M.A.Development StudiesCentre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy
10M.B.A.Financial ManagementDepartment of Commerce & Financial Studies
11M.B.A.Bharathidasan School of Management
12M.B.A.Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementBharathidasan School of Management
13M.B.A.International Business Bharathidasan School of Management
14M.C.A.Master of Computer ApplicationsDepartment of Computer Science
15M.Lib.I.Sc.Master of Library and Information Science (Regular / Lateral)Department of Library and Information Science
16M.P.A.Classical DanceDepartment of Performing Arts
17M.P.A.Folk DanceDepartment of Performing Arts
18M.P.Ed.Physical EducationDepartment of Physical Education and Yoga
19M.S.W.Social Work  (Specialization in CD, HRM and CLSW)Department of Social Work
20M.Sc.Biotechnology (Marine)Department of Marine Biotechnology
21M.Sc.Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer Science
22M.Sc.Data ScienceDepartment of Computer Science
23M.Sc.GeographyDepartment of Geography
24M.Sc.Environmental Science and Sustainable ManagementDepartment of Environmental Science & Management
25M.Sc.Biotechnology (Environment) Department of Environmental Biotechnology
26M.Sc.Computer ScienceDepartment of Computer Science
27M.Sc.GeologyDepartment of Geology
28M.Sc.BiochemistryDepartment of Biochemistry
29M.Sc.BotanyDepartment of Botany
30M.Sc.Zoology Department of Animal Science
31M.Sc.MicrobiologyDepartment of Microbiology
32M.Sc.Marine ScienceDepartment of Marine Science
33M.Sc.Environmental ScienceDepartment of Environmental Biotechnology
34M.Sc.BiotechnologyDepartment of Biotechnology
35M.Sc.StatisticsDepartment of Statistics
36M.Sc.MathematicsDepartment of Mathematics
37M.Sc.ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry
38M.Sc.Medical PhysicsDepartment of Medical Physics
39M.Sc.PhysicsDepartment of Physics
40M.Tech.Geoinformatics (2 Year)Department of Geography
41M.Tech.Biotechnology - Lateral (Fifth Year)Department of Biotechnology
42M.Tech.Remote Sensing and Geographical Information SystemsDepartment of Remote Sensing

5 and 6 Year Integrated PG Programs

# Degree Subject Department
1M.A.History (5 Year - Integrated)Department of History
2M.A.Sociology (5 Year - Integrated)Department of Sociology
3M.Sc.Bioinformatics (5 Year - Integrated)Department of Bioinformatics
4M.Sc.Biomedical Science (5 Year - Integrated)Department of Biomedical Science
5M.Sc.Life Sciences (5 Year - Integrated)School of Life Sciences
6M.Sc.Geography (5 Year - Integrated)Department of Geography
7M.Sc.Geology (5 Year - Integrated)Department of Geology
8M.Sc.Media and Communication (5 Year - Integrated)Department of Educational Technology
9M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (6 Year Integrated)Centre for Engineering and Technology
10M.Tech.Biotechnology (6 Year Integrated)Centre for Engineering and Technology
11M.Tech.Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6 Year Integrated)Centre for Engineering and Technology

UG Programs

# Degree Subject Department
1B.C.A. (For Differently Abled)Only for Speech and Hearing Impaired Students- Not for OthersCentre for Differently Abled Persons
2B.P.Ed.Physical EducationDepartment of Physical Education and Yoga
3B.Voc.Automobile TechnologyDDU KAUSHAL Kendra
4B.Voc.Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementDDU KAUSHAL Kendra
5B.Voc.Trouble Shooting and Maintenance of Electrical and Electronic EquipmentDDU KAUSHAL Kendra
6B.Voc.Immersive Technology (Industry Collaborative Programme)DDU KAUSHAL Kendra

Diploma and Certificate Programs

# Degree Subject Department
1Certificate ProgrammeBharat Ratna Dr.Ambedkar's ThoughtsDr. Ambedkar Chair
2Certificate ProgrammeMahakavi Bharathi's ThoughtsBharathiar Chair
3Certificate ProgrammeFirst Aid and Safety ManagementDepartment of Lifelong Learning
4Certificate ProgrammeFashion DesigningDepartment of Women's Studies
5Certificate ProgrammePeriyariyal (பெரியாரியல்)Centre for Periyar Studies
6Certificate ProgrammeFrench (Part-Time)Department of English
7DiplomaVocational Training and Development Centre for Differently Abled Persons
8DiplomaMachine OperatorCentral Workshop
9DiplomaLaboratory GlasswareCentral Workshop
10DiplomaOffice Automation and Assistive TechnologyCentre for Differently Abled Persons
11Diplomaசைவ சித்தாந்தம் (PT/CC)Department of Performing Arts
12Diplomaதமிழ்நெறி அருட்சுனைஞர் (அர்ச்சகர்)Department of Performing Arts
13Diplomaபெரியாரியல் (பகுதி நேரம்) Centre for Periyar Studies
14DiplomaMicro and Small Enterprise Development (FT/PT)Department of Women's Studies
15PG DiplomaYoga (Part-Time)Department of Physical Education and Yoga
16PG DiplomaFitness Management (Part-Time)Department of Physical Education and Yoga
17PG DiplomaBharathidasan Padaipugal (PT) பாரதிதாசன் படைப்புகள் (பகுதி நேரம்)Centre for Bharathidasan Studies
18PG DiplomaDigital Library & knowledge Management (FT/PT)Department of Library and Information Science
19PG DiplomaSustainable DevelopmentDepartment of Social Work
20PG DiplomaHuman Resource ManagementDepartment of Social Work
21PG DiplomaGerontological Social WorkDepartment of Social Work
22PG DiplomaDisaster ManagementDepartment of Social Work
23PG DiplomaCounselling and GuidanceDepartment of Social Work
24PG DiplomaCorporate Social ResponsibilityDepartment of Social Work
25PG DiplomaChild Guidance and CounsellingDepartment of Social Work
26PG DiplomaInclusive Training and DevelopmentCentre for Differently Abled Persons
27PG DiplomaE-Learning (Part-Time)Department of Educational Technology

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