News and Events
The Faculty Development Programme on Financial Markets was conducted on 1st December 2021. Mr.K. Annamalai, Managing Director, M/S Annamalai Capital Services Pvt. Ltd in his lecture on “Overview of Capital Markets and Equity” stated that liberalization boosts the stock exchange while explaining the history of capital markets. He advised the participants to give importance to safety, liquidity, and return while investing in capital market. He mentioned that compared to other countries, NIFTY is providing better return. He also detailed the employment opportunities in financial sector and shared that 37% of employment opportunities are from finance sector.
Mr. Gokulnath Raja, Deputy Manager, NSE Academy Limited, in his lecture on “Wealth Creation through Mutual Funds” elaborated how the power of compounding plays a magical role in Mutual Fund Investing. For the investors preferring short term investment horizon, less risk appetitive, fear of market volatility, and depending on steady cash flow, he suggested debt funds. For the investors preferring long term investment horizon, more risk appetitive, and prefer to create wealth, he advised equity funds. He detailed the direct plan, regular plan, lumpsum and Systematic Investment Plan mode for investing in mutual funds.
Mr. Vinodh James, Manager, NSE Academy Limited explained the purpose of the Centre for Financial Markets. He encouraged the teacher participants to use the services of NSE Academy in offering joint Under Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes, conducting faculty training programmes, promoting finance clubs for students, Industry-Academy Interface, and guidance for NCFM exam to students. NSE SMART Trading Simulator, NSE Knowledge Hub, and NSE Fin Talent would prepare the future financial services industry ready talents, he concluded. Nearly 70 participants from different parts of Tamil Nadu were benefited from this Faculty Development Programme.

Financial Literacy Week 2022 (From 14th February to 18th February, 2022)
In commemoration of India’s 75th Independence Year, Centre for Financial Markets, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli organized the Financial Literacy Week 2022 from 14.02.2022 to 18.02.2022, in association with the NSE Academy Limited Chennai.