Organometallic chemistry lies at the interface between classical organic and inorganic chemistry which provides a common platform for both organic and inorganic chemists to work under a single roof. This field has provided a series of important conceptual insights and surprising structures. The sustained interest in the area is due to the application of organometallic compounds in selective organic synthesis, particularly in the development of industrially important, high-performance, homogeneous catalysts and the enormous potential of organometallics as precursors in the production of new advanced materials such as sensors, switches and other types of solids with important, nonlinear optical properties. Further, bio- organometallic chemistry is an emerging field of research and, in particular, the use of organotransition metal complexes as potential anticancer agents appears to be promising.
About the Centre
In appreciation of the contributions made by the research group under the leadership of Prof. R. Ramesh, Bharathidasan University has approved the proposal for the creation of a Centre and thereby the ‘Centre for Organometallic Chemistry’(COMC)was established in the year 2016.The Centre has been supported by various national funding agencies like UGC, CSIR, DST-SERB. Further, Indo-French Center for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), New Delhi has sanctioned an amount of Rs.1.90 crores under the scheme of collaborative research project, with Dr. David Semeril and Dr. Domnique Matt, Laboratory of Molecular Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, University of Strasbourg, France. This project offers exchange visits for both Principal Investigators and research scholars for three years. At present the centre has instruments facilities such as GC-MS, GC, Electrochemical analyser, Schlenk line set- up, Rotavapours and some more will be acquired.
COMC encourages the development of novel and innovative ideas and solutions in the field of organometallic chemistry and to generate new materials for various applications.
Our Centre (COMC) is dedicated to
- Promote the development of innovative research programs
- Perform high-quality research in the field of organometallic chemistry
- Sensitize a diverse population of students towards this area of research
- Develop the strategic partnerships with chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, research laboratories spread over the country
- Extending the Centre’s facilities for campus and external users
- Produce knowledgeable graduates for careers in academia, industry and Government sectors
- Encourage participation of young students in seminars/ workshops/conferences
The main objectives of the Centre involve,
- Design and synthesize of new platinum group metals based organometallic compounds
- Generation of active and recyclable catalysts for organic transformations
- Organic synthesis via organometallic compounds
- Development of potential metallo drugs
- New materials such as sensors, switches, nanomaterials for diverse applications.