Library Facilities
The Bharathidasan University Library has been blessed with riches of facilities for the delight and benefit of students, research scholars, faculty, and staff. These facilities are not for outsiders and unauthorized users.
WiFi Access
WiFi facility is available throughout the Library to access e-resources subscribed by the University. WiFi facility for your device can be availed from the University Informatics Centre.

Smart Classroom
This fully air-conditioned smart classroom enhances and amplifies learning with a special touch of technology. In addition to this, the room also has the feature for video conferencing through which researchers from all over the world can be connected to, with whom students can have interactive learning sessions.

E-Shodh Sindhu Lab cum Lecture Hall
The theses and research papers of Bharathidasan University’s faculty are processed and uploaded to online databases from Shodh Sindhu Lab. This is a critical function of the Library to store, retrieve and disseminate knowledge. Along with this, the Lab is also used as a Lecture Hall in which distinguished professors and academicians deliver their lectures.

Shodhganga Lab (E-Theses)
The Shodhganga Lab provides archival access to thousands of core and peer-reviewed journals and a number of bibliographic, citation and factual databases in different disciplines from a large number of publishers and aggregators. Furthermore, the Shodhganga Lab has a physical archive of countless theses of various researchers from multiple departments and affiliated colleges. In addition to this, plagiarism check through software like Turn It In is done here by authorised staff.
Children's Corner
The purpose of the Children’s Corner is to inculcate reading habits in children from a very young age and to make them play outdoor games. This particularly ensures their good health and a riddance from technology addiction. This facility is specially designed to make children comfortable in a tranquil environment.

Heritage Library
As the very name of this facility suggests, this is an archive of historical, ancient and rare books, ornaments, photos, artifacts, toys and various magnificent materials. The Library’s Heritage Exhibition contains materials collected from as early as 1869 AD.

Garden Library
Amidst a small garden in front of our Library is the clean and eco-friendly Garden Library strategically placed to enjoy the warmth of natural light during winters and relish the pleasant air during summers. This well-planned green library is an initiative towards our library going green and sustainable.

Digital Talking Library
The Digital Talking Library was established in BDU Library exclusively for the welfare of differently abled people in the academic year 2011-2012. It provides access to a variety of web-based resources available on the internet.
RFID Technology
With this technology, the Library has been substantially automated to ensure fast and secure functioning and usage. The integration of this technology is used to read and identify RFID tags which in turn simplifies issue, return and renewal processes. Additionally, this feature prevents people from illegitimately purloining documents

CCTV Surveillance
The Library is constantly under surveillance through the integrated cameras on the main corners to monitor the activities. The motive of this feature is for the welfare of students, and protection of the interior and exterior properties of the Library. Technology