Library Rules
Students, Research Scholars, Faculty and Staff of Bharathidasan University are eligible to become a member of the library.
Reference Access
The section is open to general public and the students, staff and faculty of the affiliated colleges and other institutions for in-house reference with due permission.
Borrowing Facility
Each member has issued with an Identity –cum- library membership barcode card and books are issued for 15 days for students and 30 days for faculty. The number of borrowing books by members may vary from category to category.
No Dues certificate
Members are required to surrender the barcode membership ID card and Issued books at circulation counter to avail the NO DUES certificate.
Rules and Regulations
- Readers are required to deposit their personal belongings at the property counter at the entrance of the library.
- Membership Identity Cards are not transferable and ID holders would be responsible for the books issued against the ID
- Issue of books to the students, research scholars and staff members for 15 days and faculty members for 30 days.
- Renewal of books will be allowed once, if that book is not on demand.
- The fine will be charged for over due books is Rs.1 per day and after 10 days, Rs.10 will be charged per day.
- Underlining, scribing and tearing of pages or any other type of damaging of books/ journals is strictly prohibited.
- For Loss of book, the book should be replaced, if copy is not available the latest cost of the book with 10% of cost as processing fee to be paid.
- Inter Library Loan facilities are available and the charges if any of the lending library is to be bear by the user.
- Photocopying and printing, the charges will be collected as 0.75 paise and Rs.1 per page respectively.
- Readers are requested not to replace the book / journals after use on the racks.
- Strict silence, decorum and cleanliness should be maintained in the library
- Using of mobile phone is strictly prohibited.
- Prior Permission to be availed for using Laptop to access e-resources
- Do not keep valuable things/ important documents in property counter, the library is not responsible for such articles kept inside the bags.
- No outside / personal books are allowed in the library for reading purpose.
- The librarian has all rights to recall the issued books if required.
- The Librarian should be contacted for details regarding Plagiarism, Research Integrity and Remote Access.