Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC)
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024
Tamil Nadu, India

About the Committee

Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), Bharathidasan University approved by Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) is a statutory body established under the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD), Government of India, India.

Department of Animal Science has established the Animal House (AH) facility through UGC-VIII plan with the vision to cater to the needs of Animal Science faculty working with small animal models. Subsequently, AH facility registered with CPCSEA (Ref. No. 418/GO/Re/S/01/CPCSEA dated 04.06.2001) and the recent registration approval (Ref.No 418/GO/Re/S/01/CPCSEA dated 30.08.2024) valid up to 2029. Recently, the AH facility was renovated through RUSA 2.0 –Biological Sciences to fulfill the requirement of CPCSEA. At present, AH facility having veterinarian room, store room, surgical room, service room, providing space to conduct parallel animal studies, and the facility under Access Control System. IAEC through Department of Animal Science reviews and approves research proposal upon request to faculty from Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Biotechnology, Marine Science, Marine Biotechnology and Microbiology to perform experiments in fishes and small mammals.


  • 1. To ensure that any research using human beings as participants in Bharathidasan University shall follow the standards and principles prescribed for such trials in the National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants given ICMR 2017 Ethical Guidelines and as per Medical Devices Rules 2016.
  • 2. To protect the dignity, rights and well-being of the potential research participants.
  • 3. To ensure that universal ethical values and international scientific standards are expressed in terms of loal community values and customs.
  • 4. To assist in the development and the education of a research community responsive to local health care requirements.

Composition (W.e.f. 30.08.2024)

Prof. K. Emmanuvel Rajan
Biological Scientist, Department of Animal Science,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Member Secretary
Prof. B. Kadalmani
Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Scientist In-charge of Animal House Facility
Dr. A. Rajapandian
LIC Colony, Tiruchirappalli.
Prof. K. Anbarasu
Department of Marine Biotechnology
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Scientist from Biological Disciplines
Prof. C. Prahalathan
Department of Biochemistry
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Scientist from Biological Disciplines
Dr. P. Krishnamoorthy
Associate Professor, Department of Zoology
Thanthai Periyar Government Arts and Science College, Tiruchirappalli.
Main Nominee
Dr. M. Anand
Assistant Professor, Department of Marine and Costal Studies
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
Link Nominee
Dr. S. Banupriya
Assistant Professor
Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal
Scientist from Outside the Institute
Dr. M. Vishnupriya
B-6, Chokkampatti Main, Melur, Madurai.
Socially Aware Nominee

Submission and Review of applications

Applications for ethical committee clearance should be submitted in the prescribed format to the Member Secretary along with the necessary documents. The applications will be then scrutinized by the Chairperson and the Member Secretary and will be categorized among the three categories as described in the guidelines. The applications shall be then forwarded to IEAC members who will have a minimum period of 3 weeks for review. The Committee shall evaluate the possible risks to the participants with proper justification, the expected benefits and adequacy of documentation for ensuring privacy, confidentiality and other legal issues. Following the receipt of comments from the IEAC members, the faculty/Principle Investigator will be invited to present and defend his/her proposal in front of the IEAC.

An investigator cannot decide whether her/his protocol falls in the exempted category without approval from the IEAC.

The IEAC shall meet periodically at frequent intervals, to review new proposals, evaluate annual progress of ongoing projects, to review serious adverse event (SAE) reports and assess final reports of all research activities involving human beings through a previously scheduled agenda, amended wherever appropriate.

Note: Research involving stem cells should get prior clearance from Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy (IC-SCRT). Projects involving probiotics should strictly adhere to the ICMR-DBT's "Guidelines for Evaluation of Probiotics in Food" (PDF). Similarly, proposals involving recombinant or potentially infectious organisms should have obtained the Institutional Bio-Safety Clearance (IBSC) prior to submission of application to IEAC.

Checklist of documents for submission of applications

  • 1. Duly filled and signed application in the prescribed  Format
  • 2. Detailed CV of PI and collaborators involved in the work and a clearly defined role of each investigator
  • 3. Participant recruitment procedures, brochures, inclusion exclusion criteria for entry of participants
  • 4. Volunteer information sheet.
  • 5. Consent forms in English and native language (Tamil) of the participant. (Including assent forms where young adults or children are proposed as human participants. The information sheet, consent and assent forms should be in different languages depending upon recruitment criteria. Where documents are translated from the language in which they are written, back-translations shall be provided.)  Format
  • 6. Ethical clearance certificate for the project from the participating Institute/Organization (if applicable)  Format
  • 7. MoU/MoA signed between PIs and collaborators outside BDU (if applicable)
  • 8. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) for international projects which may involve exchange of human material or data.
  • 9. Approval from Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy (IC-SCRT) (if applicable)
  • 10. Approval from Institutional Bio-Safety Committee (IBSC) (if applicable)
  • 11. A statement of conflicts of interest (if any)
  • 12. Bio Banking Repository Committee clearance (if any)
  • 13. Compensation, remuneration, reimbursement and information on what is to be done in case of Adverse Event (AE) and Serious Adverse Event (SAE)

Periodic review

The ongoing research may be reviewed at regular intervals of one year as specified in the SOP of the IEAC.

Continuing Review

The IEAC shall continue reviewing approved projects for continuation, new information, adverse event monitoring, follow-up and later after completion if need be.

Intrim Review

In special circumstances, IEAC shall decide when an interim review can be resorted to by a sub-committee instead of waiting for the scheduled time of the meeting like re-examination of a proposal already examined by the IEAC or any other matter which should be brought to the attention of the IEAC. However, decisions taken shall be brought to the notice of the main committee.


Once the IEAC gives a certificate of approval it is the duty of the IEAC to monitor the approved studies, therefore an oversight mechanism shall be in place. Actual site visits can be made especially in the event of reporting of adverse events or violations of human rights. Additionally, periodic status reports shall be asked for at appropriate intervals based on the safety concerns as specified in the SOP of the IEAC. SAE reports from the site as well as other sites are reviewed by IEAC and appropriate action taken when required.


Prof. K. Emmanuvel Rajan
Member Secretary, Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), Bharathidasan University
Head, Department of Animal Science
Chair, School of Life Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024
Phone.: 9791736009 (mobile)
E. Mail: