Research Advisory Council (RAC)
Research and Development Cell (RDC)
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024
Tamil Nadu, India

About the University

Bharathidasan University is a State Government University in Tamilnadu Established under a Separate Act of the State Government Legislature in 1982 and  Recognized by UGC - 2f & 12B, besides NAAC Accreditation with ‘A+ : 3.32’ CGPA in 2019.

Motto : Bharathidasan University is committed to its Motto, ‘We Will Create A Brave New World’, a dictum taken from the scintillating verses of the Sahitya Awardee-distinction, Tamil Poet acclaimed as Pavendhar Bharathidasan’, (Pavendhar means, ‘King Among Poets’, and Bharathidasan means the ‘Dasa’ of ‘Bharathi’- the   national poet from Tamilnadu, Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharathi); hence the name of the University.  

Quality Quote : Bharathidasan University has an unequivocal love for Quality as reflected in its Quality Quote, ‘Our BDU, Our PRIDE’; and the acronym, ‘PRIDE’, expands as ‘Pride Resonates In Delivered Excellence’.  Yes, delivering excellences by the stakeholders to everyone is the real Pride. Despite resource limitations, ‘fund and personnel’, the Return, both in ‘quantity and quality’, on Investment (RoI) measures excellent amongst Higher Education Institutions.

Recently on 22-6-2022, the Media elite, News 18, Tamilnadu, rated the University as ‘the best among State Government Universities’, through its Katral Award’, (instituted just last year 2021 to honour Higher Educational Institutions in Tamilnadu. The Tamil word, Katral’ is used as verb, active voice, emphatically emphasizing ‘Learn’, just Learn; awards flow for the learner. That is the ‘Learning Award’. We feel our ‘PRIDE’, much humbly, with more commitment for bettering the best.


Serving as an affiliating University, for 8 out of the 18 districts (9 until last year) in Tamilnadu, the Bharathidasan University has over 160 affiliating Colleges consisting of Government run, Government aid-given and Self-financing Colleges, including 24 autonomous ones with the UGC's mandate.

Research Programmes/Projects

Bharathidasan University University through its 37 Departments along with the 160+ Affiliating Colleges, offers Ph.D Programmes. UGC Guidelines as to Ph.D/D.Lii/D.Sc Research Progrmmes including Academic Integrity, Publication Quality and Research Ethics are followed, with dynamic enhancements.

Funded Research projects with support from UGC, DST, DAE, DBT, DOD, ISRO, BRNS, ICMR, ICSSR, MOD, MOE, MOEFCC, MST, MOES, MSME, and a few others under Schemes such as SAP, PURSE, SERB, IMPRESS, NRMC, ICMAM, NPDF, DHR, RUSA 1.0 & 2.0, and other schemes are carried out by members of the faculty. Under RUSA 2.0 scheme, with Rs. 50 crores allottment, by MoE and Govt. of Tamilnadu in 60:40 % share, Thematic Projects are being carried out in Biological, Physical and Social Sciences besides Innovation and Entrepreneurship scheme speareading Skill Training, Start-up promotion and Business Incubation through BECH (Bharathidasan Entrepreneurship and Career Hub).

Research Advisory Council (RAC)

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has directed HEIs to establish Research Advisory Council (RAC) with guidelines for establishing Research & Development Cell (RDC) with a suggested organogram and a list of activities. The RAC and RDC are established with the approval of the Syndicate of the University recently. Besides establishing the RDC, Bharathidasan University bring under the umbrella body the RAC all entities committed to the cause Research and Development. The Vice Chancellor shall chair the RAC as suggested by the UGC.

Research and Development Cell (RDC)

In a world of competitive continuous development, contribution of HEIs to the Scientific inventions, Economic development and Societal uplift is vital. This purpose is fulfilled easily as the UGC has pointed out stressing the need for Integration of Research, Innovation and Technology.

Future-centric, Feature-filled, Skill-hued, Eco-friendly and Resource-economizing Process Innovation, Product Design and Service Novelty, all culminating in a superior entrepreneurial class and might, leading to holistic/fast/self-sustaining Economic Development and Societal Uplift, are the need of the hour to make India, a global leader by 2047.

In emerging educational paradigmatic context, establishing a Research & Development Cell (RDC) in every University is well suggested by University Grants Commission to ensure concerted, continuous, collaborative, creative and conducive efforts to make India among the top-ones in the comity of nations as to innovation quotient, quality and quantum. Establishing a robust mechanism for developing and strengthening the research ecosystem is enabled through the Research & Development Cell (RDC). In fact, several entities exist in the University that validly address each of the several shades of ingenuity, invention, innovation and the like functioning in a distributed way, with incubation, start-up and entrepreneurship taken for granted. To ensure the connect between University Ingenuity /Invention/Innovation and the much aspired Incubation/Start-Up/Entrepreneurship, Bharathidasan University is pleased to establish the RDC (Research & Development Cell), headed by a Director-Convener, under its RAC (Research Advisory Council).

The Organogram of the RDC is given under. The RDC’s top priorities are: enhanced research productivity, collective efforts through collaboration with institutions- home/global, with business- industry/trade/banks, with governments, with community organizations- NGOs/SHGs, and with development agencies at the local/ national/global spheres.

Chair, Research Advisory Council

Prof. M.Selvam, Vice Chancellor

Director-Convener, R & D Cell

Dr. S. Sivaramakrishnan, Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Bharathidasan Univerisity

RAC-RDC shall strive for:

  • (i) Achieving our Holistic Vision-Mission-Objectives
  • (ii) Result oriented Research Information Management System (RIMS)
  • (iii) Building a resilient Research Eco-system by drafting the services of exceptionally talented superannuated faculty/scientists
  • (iv) Adhering to global/national/state missions like SDGs, Self-reliance, Skill-up, capacity building, etc.
  • (v) Outcome-centric Centres of Excellence, Clusters / Consortia for Research Clusters
  • (vi) Ensuring ‘Shared Infrastructure’ for providing supporting and getting support
  • (vii) Productive Incentive Schemes for Research and Research Career
  • (viii) Performing Technology Development and Business-centred Facility (TDBF)
  • (ix) Resilient Research & Development Corpus thro’ contribution from CSR/Alumni/ Internal sources
  • (x) Ever Upholding Research and Publication Integrity and Ethics
  • (xi) Capacity Building thro’ HRDC/IECD/DDU/BECH/Faculty(SDCFCR)initiated schemes
  • (xii) Continuous Monitoring Mechanism for ensuring superior performance on every indicator of achievement, in terms of Quantity, Consistency, Collaboration, Quality and other aspects of excellence.
  • We know, PRIDE:Pride Resonates In Delivered Excellence