School of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
UGC-SAP and DST-FIST Sponsored Department
Press Release (26.03.2024)

The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore has conducted the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) in February 2024. The following Students, studying II M.Sc. (Chemistry) in Department of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University have passed the GATE exam and are eligible for joining as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in central institutes like Indian Institute of Technology, National Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Sciences, etc. with fellowship. Further, Mr. Guhan A (S.No. 1) has qualified in National Eligibility Test (NET) also, which is conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University Grants Commission (UGC).
About the Department
The School of Chemistry made its beginning in 1977 as a Research Department of Madras University Post Graduate Centre. On creation of Bharathidasan University in 1982, it became a part of the new University and was upgraded as School of Chemistry in 2004. It consist of Department of Chemistry, Centre for Bio-Inorganic Chemistry and Centre for Organometallic chemistry and has now acquired a prominent position in the academic map of India. The School consists of 130 members, including 6 vibrant faculty members (inclusive of two UGC-Asst. Professors), one Emeritus faculty, one Professor of Eminence, 3 guest lecturers, 2 administrative staffs, 41 Research Scholars and 80 PG students. All faculty members have obtained their Ph.D. degree from the well reputed Universities/Institutes with significant years of Post-Doctoral experience in various frontier research areas which includes Bio-Inorganic chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Metal mediated organic synthesis, Synthetic organic chemistry, Green chemistry, Crystallography, Coordination chemistry, Structural Inorganic chemistry, Computational chemistry, Nano chemistry, Bio-physics , Photophysics , Sustainable energy etc., The School generated more than 100 Ph.D.’s and published near about 1000 quality research papers in peer reviewed journals with more than 16,500 citations and cumulative h-index of 55 till date. One of the strengths of the School is the well-accredited Autonomous Post Graduate teaching program based on the popular CBCS pattern. We are proud that our collective enthusiasm has generated a good number of excellent and world-class Chemists, now occupying important academic and industrial positions in India and Abroad. UGC and DST recognized our research potential and financially support to build infrastructure and sophisticated instrument facilities through their UGC-SAP (DSA-Level II) and DST-FIST (Level-II) programmes.
Almost all the faculty members have undertaken sponsored research projects funded by various National agencies such as UGC, DST, CSIR, DRDO and SERB and have successfully completed more than 50 individual research projects. Also, two Indo-French (IFCPAR) International collaborative research projects worth of Rs.3.0Cr have been successfully completed. They have organized several Conferences, Workshops, Refresher Courses and other academic programs as extension activities. Several International, National and State level honours and recognitions such as INSA- visiting fellowship, Fellow of the Indian Academy Sciences (FNA), CRSI medals, Tamilnadu Scientist Awards (TANSA) have been received by the faculty members of the School. Many International Exchange visits regularly taken up by our faculty members and research scholars have improved the quality of our teaching and research programs extremely well. Overall, we believe that quality teachers can penetrate through the young minds to create the brave new world.