School of Education
Department of Lifelong Learning
The Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) as an academic department was established in the year 1985-86 under the sponsorship of UGC. The Department has been undertaking a number of notable programmes under its four dimensions of Extension, Capacity Building/Training, Research and Teaching. The Department has been a full-fledged statutory department and obtained the concurrence of the State Government for the liability of the Department in April 1997. The Department previously was named asCentre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (CACE & E) and later it was changed as Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (DACE & E). As per the UGC guidelines, the nomenclature has been changed as Department of Lifelong Learning duringXIth Five year plan period.
- To develop human resources by providing professional manpower for promoting knowledge based society to meet the needs and challenges of the public and private sectors in the globalised economy.
- To improve the quality and conduct the programmes in human resource management at Post graduate level with concurrent field exposure/In-Plant training and M.Phil and Ph.D level besides need based Certificate and Diploma Courses to produce Manpower resources of kind and number required by the society.
- To execute Grass root level Extension programmes and conduct Advanced Researches not only human resources management but in Adult Continuing Education and Extension and other resources management.
- To collaborate with Government department, Public Sectors, MNCs, and NGOs to link theory to practice of human resource management and vice-versa for up gradation of skills.
- To extend consultancy,counselling and placement services to the students, alumni, youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professionals in all walks of life.
Focusing on critical development issue for the continuous up-gradation of potential human resources towards promotion of skillful and knowledgeable society in tune with global scenario.
- Promoting the Human Resource Management professionals under the philosophy of Lifelong Learning.
- Making concerted efforts towards integration between formal and non-formal education and out of school learning process.
- Acting as a focal agency (catalyst role) in the University system with Teaching, Training and Research by providing professional manpower, academic and technical resource support through innovative programmes/courses including community based activities of the University departments and colleges.
- Offering need based Lifelong Learning innovative Vocational Education and Skill based training programmes for all walks of Life.