Department of Physical Education And Yoga

Participation I. Inter-University Participation

Bharathidasan University teams are participating nearly in 46 disciplines (Men - 24;Women - 22) in the Zonal and All India Level Inter University competitions every year. A total of 410 students approximately (Men: 240; Women: 170) are engaging themselves as players and around 115 Directors of Physical Education from the affiliated colleges are directly involved in the various capacities as Selectors, Coaches and Managers in the Inter-University Tournaments and Sports participation in every year.

# Men Women
1 Athletics Athletics
2 Badminton Badminton
3 Ball Badminton Ball Badminton
4 Basketball Basketball
5 Best Physique Chess (Combined Event)
6 Boxing Cross country
7 Chess (Combined Event) Fencing
8 Cricket Footbal
9 Cross country Handball
10 Cycling Hockey
11 Fencing Kabaddi
12 Football Kho-Kho
13 Handball Netball
14 Hockey Power Lifting
15 Kabadi Swimming
16 Kho-Kho Table Tennis
17 Net Ball Tennis
18 Power Lifting Volleyball
19 Swimming Weight Lifting
20 Table Tennis
21 Volley Ball
22 Weight Lifiting

II. Inter-Collegiate Tournament Participation

University Departments teams participate in the Bharathidasan University Inter-Collegiate Competition every year on selected sports discipline. It has also won several medals in the Inter-Collegiate competitions.

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