Department of Physical Education

Research and Projects


The Department offers research programmes such as M.Phil. and Ph.D. The scholars of the Department have got fellowships in various schemes such as UGC-JRF, ICSSR, RGNF and URF. The Department has executed several projects over the years. It also conducts Seminars / Conferences / Workshops periodically both National as well as International level. The focused areas of research of the Department are Sports training, Sports Psychology, Test & Measurement and Yoga.

Research Projects Completed

Sl. No. Name of the Individual Title of the Project / Scheme / (Minor / Major) Agency Duration Amount in Rs.
1. Dr.P.Mariayyah Minor project UGC 1996-97 12,000
2. Dr.P.Mariayyah Stress Based Interventions of Socio-economic conditions of psycho-physiological systems – A case study of Bharathidasan University sportsmen UGC 1998-99 10,000
3. Dr.K.Chandrasekaran Study of predominance of performance related variables of College women Kabaddi players UGC 2001-02 10,000
4. Dr.P.Mariayyah Effect of selected yogic practices on Physical Fitness among School Boys UGC 2002-03 20,000
5. Dr.K.Chandrasekaran Effects of Yoga, Combination of Yoga and Aerobic Packages on Health related Physical Fitness Components and Selected Physiological Variable of Obese School Boys UGC 2009-10 5,34,200
6. Dr.R.Kalidasan Automation of drawing fixtures for Inter-University tournaments in India UGC 2010-11 1,00,000
7. Dr.R.Kalidasan Influences of Specific fitness Training Package and Traditional Training on selected Kinanthropometrical Biochemical Physical and Physiological parameters among Diabetic Patients UGC 2014-16 20,15,465

Infrastructure Development under various Schemes

Sl. No. Title of the Scheme Agency Year of Sanction Amount in Lakhs (Rs.)
1. Promotion of Yoga Education in Universities UGC 1994 25.00
2. Construction of Indoor stadium UGC 1997 25.00
3. Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences UGC 2001 10.00
4. General development Assistance (11th Plan - UGC Scheme) – Indoor stadium UGC 2011 29.50
5. Adventure Sports (11th Plan - UGC Scheme)- Gymnasium UGC 2011 50.00
6. Development of Sports Infrastructure and Equipment in Universities (12th Plan - UGC Scheme) – Fitness Centre with Sports Science back-up UGC 2012-17 240.00

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