Department of Environmental Science & Management
- Santhosh Kannan, HSE Leader, GE, Houston, USA
- Aravind R, HSE Auditor, Hirschthal, Switzerland
- Sethuraman, HSE – Head, Sodexo India
- Balamurugan J, Env. Compliance Officer, Qatar
- Akbar Fayaz, HSE Leader, ORYX, Qatar
- Aleem A, National Petroleum Corp. Kuwait
- Noorjehan S, Asst. Prof, Damam Univ
- Prabakaran, HSE officer, Kuwait
- Divya P, Senior quality officer, Singapore
- Aslam Mohammed, HSE officer, Saudi Arabia
- Ashish G, Research Fellow, TERI, New Delhi
- Dinesh, HSE Officer, Cognizant Technologies, Coimbatore
- Anjalin Joseph, British Associates, Kerala
- Yasothran M, Sus. Dev Manager, Decathlon India
- Anbarasu S, Essar Power project (India) Ltd, Neyveli
- Rajesh, EIA Team leader, Grass roots Pvt Ltd, Delhi
- Benedict Roosevelt, Hatson Industries Pvt Ltd
- Dhanakumar S, Asst. Prof, PSGCAS
- Williams, Asst. Prof, Sacred Hearths College
- Sheela M, Asst. Prof, Bishop heber College, TRY
- Arun R, US Army Base Camp, Kuwait
- Pounraj Birla Industries Gujarat
- Ilayaraja, Birla Industries Gujarat
- Sureshkumar Anand, Cavin Care Pvt LTd
- Balaji R, Shasun Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Chennai
- Prabhakaran K, Hatson Industries Pvt Ltd
- Chitradevi S, Swatch Bharat Campaign