Department of Environmental Science & Management

Events 2021-2022

Sl.No Date Title of the webinar Speaker
01 25.08.21 Solid- Waste Management : Options & Opportunities Dr.C.Ravichandran
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science
Bishop Heber College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli
02 03.09.21 Circular Economy for Solid Waste Management Mr.M.Sudalai
Assistant Professor
Centre for Pollution control
Environmental Engineering
Pondicherry University
03 15.09.21 Conservation Agriculture for Biodiversity and Ecosystem management Dr.S.Manju
Associate Professor / Guest Faculty The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University )
Tamil Nadu, India.
04 22.09.21 Solving environmental issues through social Entrepreneurship Mr.Antony Stephen
Asst.Prof & Head
Dept. of Social Entrepreneurship
Madras school of social work, Chennai
05 01.10.21 Life cycle Assessment and Waste Minimisation Dr.P.Arulmathi
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Civil Engineering
University College of Engineering
Mangarai Pirivu
06 7.10.21 Wildlife Conservation and Management Mr.Jeremiah
Bishop Heber College
07 2.11.21 Ecopreneurship  :scope & opportunities Mr.K.C.Malarmannan
Nalanda Business School
08 02.12.21 Manthras of Pollution control  (National Pollution Control Day) Dr.M.Dwarakanath
  Expert Member, R&D Committee, MOEF&CC, GOI.

Activities conducted other than webinar during 2021-2022

1. Faculty students orientation program
2. First and second year orientation program-Hybrid mode
3. Ozone day celebration Potting indoor plants by the second PG Students Group discussion
4. Visit to Agricultural ecosystem
5. Wildlife week observation-drawing & photography competition; Movie on wildlife conservation
6. Distribution of Nest boxes and placing the boxes around the varsity and paddy field near by the university-06.10.’21
7. Visit to Kothaipar lake,Trichy for Bird Watching Exercise
8. Swachh Bharath mission phase II & Plogging exercise/Shramdhan
9. Saraswathi & Ayudha Pooja celebration
10. Freshers’ Day celebration
11. Observation of National Pollution Control Day

ESM Webinar Series 2020-2021

Date Title of the Webinar Resource Person
July 9, 2020 Zoonotic Diseases - Ecological Dimensions Dr P A  Azeez, Former  Director and Senior Principal Scientist - SACON

July 22, 2020 The Western Ghats: Understanding species extinction in fragmented rainforest habitats Dr. G. Umapathy
Senior Principal Scientist and Group Leader
CSIR - Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad

August 8, 2020 Webinar on Hazardous Wastes and the Environment: New Paradigms in Management Dr. M. Dwarakanath
Former Director, DSTE cum Member Secretary,
Pondicherry pollution control committee

August 22, 2020 Climate Crisis, Biodiversity Loss: How effective are the Global Treaties Dr. S. Faizi
Ecologist – Specializing in International
Environmental Policy and UN Negotiator

September 18, 200 Climate Change and Adaptation Challenges India Dr. C. Ravichebdran
Associate Professor
Dept. of Environmental Science
Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

September 9, 2020 Domestic Application of Solar PV Cells Mr. Arun Rebero
Co founder & Director
The Contura Solar (India) Pvt. Ltd

October 16, 2020 Techniques of Biodiversity Conservation Dr. G. Areedran
Coordinator –ENVIS

October 21, 2020 The Limits To Growth Dr. M. Ravichandran
Director i/c- BECH
Bharathidasan University

November 18, 2020 Appropriate Economic/ Environmental Policy for India after the Pandemic Dr.V.B. Athreya
University of Wisconsin, USA
Adjunct Professor
ASIAN Collage of Journalism

November 28, 2020 Challenges and Opportunities in the Field of Environmental Law and Policy Smt. Moulika Arabhi
Centre for Environmental Law

December 4, 2020  Pollutants of Emerging Concern Dr. G.K. Sugaishkumar
Dept. of Biotechnology
IIT, Chennai

December 11, 2020 Endangered Flora and Fauna of Kachchh Dr. Jayesh B. Bhatt
Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology

December 18, 2020  Principals & Process of Energy Auditing Dr. V.Kirubakaran
Assistant Professor & Director i/c
Rural Energy Centre
Gandhigram Rural Institute
December 23, 2020 Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Combating Climate Change L. Somasundaram
Director - Research
Akara Research & Technologies, Chennai

February 5, 2021 Scope of Environmental Sciences Dr. M. Dwarakanth
Former Director
Government of Puducherry

February 10, 2021 Back Ground of Environmental Legislation  Dr. M. Dwarakanth
Former Director
Government of Puducherry

 2, December, 2019 : National Pollution Control Day

 7, February,2019: Focus Group Discussion on Skill Gap Analysis and Scoping Study for Tamil Nadu

 10-12, December,2018: Special Lecture by Distinguished Prof. Marc Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Penn State University, USA.

 21, March,2018: International Forest Day

 02, February,2018: World Wetlands Day

 16, September,2017: Ozone Rally

 9-10, March ,2017: Two-day National Workshop on Environment, Health and Safety Management

 31, March, 2015: One day training program on "Introductory course on Health and Safety for Industries"

  29, March,2015: One day Training programme on "Safety Practices in Industries"

 12, February, 2015: National Seminar on Integrated Waste Management and Energy Recovery

 2014: World Health day

Invited Lectures







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