Department of Environmental Science & Management



Department laboratories are well equipped with advanced equipments like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Make: Thermo fisher) for trace metal analysis, High Performance Liquid Chromatography with fluorescent detector (Make: Waters, USA;) for organic pollutant analysis. Fine particulate samplers (APM 550, Envirotech Make) for air quality studies.

Other minor facilities such as UV-visible spectrophotometer, water analyser, distillation unit, electronic weighing balance, flame photometer, rotary evaporator, high volume air samplers, Kjeldhal nitrogen apparatus, hot air oven, muffle furnace, sox let apparatus, sieve shaker, water bath, hot plate, fume hood, ultra sonic bath, CO2 monitor and ozone monitor available for environmental monitoring studies.

To conduct microbiological experiments the facilities such as laminar flow cabinet, autoclave, bench top incubator, Monocular microscope, trinocular microscope with software features are present in the Department.

The Department is also equipped with GPS, GIS Arch view software, ERDAS software, numerous survey of India toposheets and recent satellite imageries, map drawing cabinet, etc.,



In addition to the books in the Central Library of the University, more than 600 books, 20 journals, encyclopedias are available in the Departmental Library. We have access to EBooks and journals of Springer- Verlag publications and certain journals of John-Wiley publications.

The following journals and periodicals are available in the departmental library, International journal of regulation and governance:

Terra green
Teri scope
Biotech news
Teri newswire
Our earth
Mycorriha news
To ensure the study environment, library have appropriate infrastructure to display books using transparent cupboard and other furniture facilities. Students are also encouraged to use the digital libraries and institutional repositories which are offered by the university.



Two spacious classrooms with computers, internet facility, reverse osmosis system for drinking water, are made available for MBA Environmental Management. The class rooms are also equipped with LCD projector and display boards.


'புதியதோர் உலகம் செய்வோம்'
We will create a brave new world