School of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Science & Management

Established in the year 2005, Department of Environmental Sciences and Management (formerly Dept. of Environmental Management) has made significant strides in the academic education, research and outreach programs. The genesis of the Department overlie on the core principles of holistic approaches to the sustainable development. Since inception the department has been focusing on multidisciplinary and interconnected scientific linkages to trace the environmental processes, ecosystem degradation, impacts of development on environmental components and the future challenges including ecosystem resilience. To realize the vision, in the year 2006, MBA in Environmental Management was introduced encompassing the concepts of planet, people and profit. The MBA was recognized and funded under UGC innovative program during 2008-2012. Till date, more than 200 environmental professionals have been successfully placed in various sectors including multinational corporate companies, urban governance, research organizations, academia, NGOs and outreach programs across India and abroad.
To address the modern environmental challenges, a new PG program in MSc Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Management is introduced for the upcoming academic year 2019-2020. The new MSc program will focus on advanced and modern scientific, technological principles and development. New approaches of environmental resource management including environmental informatics, environmental health and safety management, climate change adaptation-mitigation and ecological restoration in the curriculum is expected to deliver smart environmental professionals.
In terms research, the department has completed a number research projects and programs supported by DST, DBT, DRDO, MoEF, UGC, and IUCN. Department of Environmental Sciences and Management is currently equipped with advanced instrumental laboratory (AAS, HPLC, PM 2.5/PM 10 air samplers, UV-VIS spectrophotometers, Portable hydrolab, GIS software, etc) and expertise to carry out research and consultancy projects related to Environmental Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Air Pollution, Heath GIS, Sensor web for real-time monitoring, Sustainable Agriculture, Bioremediation and sustainable development. Currently the department is offering consultancy services and there are two on-going consultancy projects of which one addresses climate adaptation program funded by Asian Development Bank, Executed by PWD, Govt. of Tamilnadu.