Department of Environmental Science & Management
Details of Research & Consultancy Projects
Completed Research ProjectsS. No. | Principal Investigator | Project Title | Period | Funding Agency | Amount | From |
To |
1 | Dr.M.Ravi |
Economic and Environmental Implications of Sewage on River Cauvery. |
2008 |
2011 |
5.25 |
2 | Dr.R.Mohanraj |
Airborne particle bound Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons & exposure assessment in Human population using biomarkers in select urban locations |
2008 |
2011 |
7.07 |
3 | Dr.R.Mohanraj |
Carbon fluxes and sinks in Kolli hills, Eastern Ghats of Tamilnadu with emphasis on carbon pool in above ground biomass, Litter, Woody Debris and Soils |
2009 |
2012 |
9.78 |
4 | Dr.R.Mohanraj |
Screening carbon sequestration efficient forest trees and pulp wood species under elevated CO2 coupled with enhanced acidic and ozone conditions |
2012 |
2015 |
38.47 |
5 | Dr.M.Prashanthi Devi |
Assessing drinking water quality in schools of Tiruchirappalli region and mapping of common flu and diarrhea among school children |
2010 |
2013 |
8.67 |
6 | Dr.R.Mohanraj |
Real Time air pollution modeling and dissemination of location based information using mobile devices - (Co-In vestigator) |
2013 |
2015 |
16 |
7 | Dr.M.Prashanthi Devi |
Exploration of Cancer in Western Tamilnadu using Geotechnical methods in GIS - (Co-In vestigator) |
2012 |
2015 |
10.08 |
7 | Dr.R.Mohanraj |
Eco-restoration of Prosopis julifora degraded lands by vegetatibe remediation |
2020 |
2025 |
20.15 |
Consultancy Projects
S. No | Agency | Period | Project Title | Budget (Rs. In lakhs) | |
From |
To |
1 |
2015 |
Till date |
Air Quality Impact Assessment of Sand Quarrying Operations in Trichy, Karur, and Ariyalur Districts |
9.3 |
2 |
2015 |
Till date |
Water Testing and Analysis |
0.34 |
3 |
2017 |
Till date |
Air Quality (PM, Sox, Nox, Benzene), Noise Level and water quality Assessment in Vettar and Vennar river of Thiruvarur and Nagapatinam Districts under climate adaptation program funded by Asian Development Bank, Executed by PWD, Govt. of Tamilnadu |
7.7 |
Details of Fellowships being availed by the Research Scholars/Project Staff
S. No. |
Name |
Fellowship |
Ms.Noorjahan |
ICSSR Doctoral Fellow |
A. Royal Edward |
Project Fellow |
Sirajuddin M. |
University Research Studentship |
S.Dhanakumar |
University Research Studentship |
G.Solaraj |
DRDO project JRF |
A.Arivoli |
J. Saravanan |
UGC Project Fellow |
Ms.B.Brindha |
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship |
Mrs. Manjula Menon |
DST- Young women Scientist |
Sirajuddin M. |
Moulana Azad National Fellowship |
Ms.R.Vidyalakshmi |
UGC Project Fellow |
Mr.D.Mahamuni |
DST-PURSE Research Fellowship |
Ms. R.Chithradevi |
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship |
Miss. Sheela mary |
University Research Fellowship |
Mr.J.Balamurugan |
University Research Fellowship |
Ms.P.T Nithya |
University Research Fellowship |
T.Hariharan |
Mr.J.Balamurugan |
EcoSan Fellowship |
Ramanarayanan |
Project Assistant (DST) |
M.Naveena |
Junior Research Fellow |
Janani Selvaraj |
UGC Project Fellow |
Kavya Siddeshwar |
DST Inspire Fellow |
Manjula Menon |
UGC Post Doctoral fellowship |