Department of Medical Physics
- TL/OSL reader
- Geiger counting system
- End Window GM Detector
- G.M. Detector sliding bench
- Stand for G. M. Detector
- Radioactive source kit
- Aluminium absorber set
- Gamma ray Spectrometer System
- NaI Detector Type SD 152 F and W
- Digirad – Low Range 0 to 200 mR
- Radiation Survey Meter with standard accessories
- PEA Micro Controller based Alpha Counting System
- Pea Alpha probe (Type PSP647/D1)
- Pocket dosimeters with various ranges (5, 20and 500 mR)
- Advanced Radiation Survey Meter
- 8085-Microprocessor kits
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)