Department of Physics
Faculty of Physics has widespread interest both in theory and experimental research activities and gained international reputation, in particular Non-linear dynamics.
Some of the leading scientist made a visit to the Department/School of Physics for short term/long term collaborative research during the last 25 years are, Professors M.D. Kruskal (Princeton, USA), R.K. Bullough (Manchester, UK), O.B. Pitytsin (Moscow, USSR), T. Buerskens (Netherlands), M. Sundaralingam (Wisconsin), E.C.G. Sudarshan (Texas, USA), M.J. Ablowtiz (Colorado, USA), M. Wadati (Tokoyo, Japan), K. Nakamura (Osaka, Japan), V.E. Zakharov (Moscow, USSR), J. Zagrodzinski (Warsaw, Poland), Li Yi Shen (China), P. Caudrey (Manchester, UK), T. Bountis (Greece), Y. Kosmann (Paris, France), G. Casati (Italy), W. Zakrzewski (Durham, England), J. Hietarinta (Finland), R. Quispel (Melbourne, Australia), P.E. Rapp (Philadelphia, USA), L. Glass (Montreal, Canada), H. True (Denmark), R. Conte (France), A. Parkar (U.K.), M.C. Cross (USA), D.E. Parkar (UK), J. Kurths (Germany), E. Gutkin (USA), T. Kapitaniak (Poland), C. Dijion (France), T. Kato (Osaka, Japan), Kyu Chang Park (Seoul, S. Korea), R. Kraenkel (Sao Paulo, Brazil), J. Nimmo (Glasgow, U.K.), Z. Popowicz (Poland), J. Zagrodwinski (Warsaw, Poland), M. D. Kruskal (Princeton, USA), W. Zakrzewshi (England), R. Myrzakulov (Alma Ata, Kazakhstan).
International Collaboration
School of Physics has signed MOU with Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea for sharing of expertise and knowledge for Green energy research, which include student and faculty exchange.
List of other collaborating Institutes (International)
Oxford University, UK
Power Electronics Research Centre, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Instituto de Fisica Teorica, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Australian National University, Australia
University of Geneva, Switzerland
EPFL, Switzerland
ISSP, University of Tokyo, Japan
CAS-Beijing, China
CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Osaka City University, Japan
Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
IFW-Dresden, Germany
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
National University of Singapore, Singapore
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
CEA, Grenoble, France
University of Barcelona, Spain
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Moscow State University, Russia
National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
National Collaboration
Department/School has strong collaboration with several leading national institutes and state/central Universities in INDIA.