Department of Physics


The Department of Physics has made major contributions in the areas of Nonlinear Dynamics, Biophysics, Crystallography, Thin Films, Crystal Growth, Nonlinear Optics Materials, Superconductivity, magnetism and nanomaterials and so on. The Faculty members have published more than 1300 research articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals with overall citation of over 18000.

Published Articles Times Cited H-Index
All years 2013-2018 All years 2013-2018 All years 2013-2018
1304 51718021 319055 23

Source: Web of Science (as on November 2018)

A select list of Journals in which articles have been published:

1. Physical Review Letters
2. Applied Physics Letters
3. Physical Review -A; E; C.
4. Journal of Physics-A
5. Nature – Scientific Methods
6. Physics Letters A
7. Physica B;D
8. Journal of Applied Physics
9. Journal of Power Sources
10. Nanomedicine-nanotechnology biology and medicine
11. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
12. Journal of Materials Chemistry - C
13. Sensors and Actuators B – Chemical
14. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry
15. Inorganic Chemistry
16. Journal of Molecular Liquids
17. Journal of Molecular Liquids
18. Applied Surface Science
19. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization
20. Crystal Growth & Design
21. Journal of Crystal Growth
22. Materials Letter
23. Materials Science and Engineering - B; C.
24. Acta Crystallogrphica A; C & E
25. Solid State Communications
26. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
27. Journal of Physics Communication
28. RSC Advances
29. Nonlinear Resonances
30. Proc. Royal. Society. A

Details of full length research publications (in peer-reviewed journals) during (2016 - 2018)


  1. Amreetha, S., S. Dhanuskodi, A. Nithya, and K. Jothivenkatachalam. "Three way electron transfer of a C–N–S tri doped two-phase junction of TiO2 nanoparticles for efficient visible light photocatalytic dye degradation." RSC Advances 6,  10 (2016): 7854-7863

  2. Manikandan, K., S. Dhanuskodi, Anitta Rose Thomas, N. Maheswari, G. Muralidharan, and D. Sastikumar. "Size–strain distribution analysis of SnO 2 nanoparticles and their multifunctional applications as fiber optic gas sensors, supercapacitors and optical limiters." RSC Advances 6,  93 (2016): 90559-90570.

  3. Sivakami, R., S. Dhanuskodi, and R. Karvembu. "Estimation of lattice strain in nanocrystalline RuO2 by Williamson–Hall and size–strain plot methods." Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 152 (2016): 43-50.

  4. Karthik, K., and S. Dhanuskodi. "Structural and optical properties of microwave assisted CdO-NiO nanocomposite." In AIP Conference Proceedings,  1731,  1,  050021. AIP Publishing, 2016.

  5. Senthilkumar, , S. Dhanuskodi, M. Muneeswaran, and N. V. Giridharan. "Multiferroism in hydrothermally prepared Ce: BaTiO3 nanoparticles." In AIP Conference Proceedings,  1731,  1,  050017. AIP Publishing, 2016.

  6. Manikandan, K., S. Dhanuskodi, N. Maheswari, and G. Muralidharan. "SnO2 nanoparticles for supercapacitor application." In AIP Conference Proceedings,  1731,  1,  050048. AIP Publishing, 2016.

  7. Francis,  Nisha, S. Dhanuskodi, M. Muneeswaran, Anitta Rose Thomas, and N. V. Giridharan. "Optical nonlinearity in multiferroic bismuth ferrite." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688 (2016): 796-802.

  8. Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. "Signal Propagation in Unidirectionally Coupled Systems." In Nonlinear Resonances, p 203-223. Springer, Cham, 2016.

  9. Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. "Harmonic and Nonlinear Resonances." In Nonlinear Resonances, p 1-38. Springer, Cham, 2016.

  10. Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. "Nonlinear and Vibrational Resonances in Time-Delayed Systems." In Nonlinear Resonances, p 161-201. Springer, Cham, 2016.

  11. Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. "Vibrational Resonance in Multistable and Excitable Systems." In Nonlinear Resonances, p 119-137. Springer, Cham, 2016.

  12. Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. "Vibrational and Stochastic Resonances in Spatially Periodic Systems." In Nonlinear Resonances, p 139-160. Springer, Cham, 2016.

  13. Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. "Slow Passage Through Resonance and Resonance Tongues." In Nonlinear Resonances, p 351-366. Springer, Cham, 2016.

  14. Guruparan, S., B. Ravindran Durai Nayagam, Chinnathambi Veerapadran, and S. Rajasekar. "Vibrational Resonance in the Classical Morse Oscillator Driven by Narrow-Band and Wide-Band Frequency Modulated Signals." The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research 5,  3 (2016): 131.

  15. Abirami, K., S. Rajasekar, and M. A. F. Sanjuán. "Vibrational Resonance in a System with a Signum Nonlinearity." DISCONTINUITY, NONLINEARITY, AND COMPLEXITY 5,  1 (2016): 43-58.

  16. Jothimurugan, R., K. Thamilmaran, S. Rajasekar, and M. A. F. Sanjuán. "Multiple resonance and anti-resonance in coupled Duffing oscillators." Nonlinear Dynamics 83,  4 (2016): 1803-1814.

  17. Kanagaraj, M., I. Phebe Kokila, N. Subbulakshmi,  Sathish Kumar, A. Leo Rajesh, and S. Arumugam. "A systematic investigation of structural, optical and magnetic properties of pristine BaFe 2 O 4, Mg and Mg, Cs co-doped in BaFe 2-x Mg x O 4 and Ba 1-x Cs x Fe 2-y Mg y O 4 spinel nanoferrites." (2016).

  18. Selvapandiyan, M., L. Govindaraj,  Sivaprakash, and S. Arumugam. "Crystal Growth and Studies of Dihydrogen Phosphates of Potassium and Ammonium complexes." International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 6,  2 (2016): 75-80.

  19. Manikandan, K., Selvan Kalai, L. Govindaraj, S. Arumugam, K. Matsubayashi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, and  Mandal. "Magnetic properties of the Ising spin-chain system α-CoV 2 O 6 under hydrostatic pressure." In Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on condensed matter physics under extreme conditions: book of abstracts. 2016.

  20. Thiyagarajan, R., S. Esakki Muthu, K. Manikandan, and S. Arumugam. "Effect of hydrostatic pressure on magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in La0. 35Pr0. 35Ca0. 3MnO3." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 398 (2016): 116-120

  21. Selvan, G. Kalai, Gohil S. Thakur, K. Manikandan, A. Banerjee, Zeba Haque, L. C. Gupta, Ashok K. Ganguli, and S. Arumugam. "Superconductivity in La1− x Sm x O0. 5F0. 5BiS2 (x= 0.2, 0.8) under hydrostatic pressure." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49,  27 (2016): 275002.

  22. Rama Rao, N. V., S. Esakki Muthu, S. Arumugam, M. Manivel Raja, and K. G. Suresh. "Effect of Fe on the Martensitic Transition, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties in Ni-Mn-In Melt-spun Ribbons." Defence Science Journal 66,  4 (2016).

  23. Arumugam, S., R. Thiyagarajan, G. Kalaiselvan, and  Sivaprakash. "Pressure induced insulator–metal transition and giant negative piezoresistance in Pr0. 6Ca0. 4Mn0. 96Al0. 04O3 polycrystal." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 417 (2016): 69-74.

  24. Li, Xiaoshuang, Xian Zhang, G. Kalai Selvan, S. Arumugam, Fuqiang Huang, Yicheng Wu, and Jiyong Yao. "Crystal Growth, Structure, Resistivity, Magnetic, and Photoelectric Properties of One‐Dimensional Selenometallate Ba2BiFeSe5." Chemistry–An Asian Journal 11,  23 (2016): 3436-3442.

  25. Haque, Zeba, Gohil S. Thakur, Rainer Pöttgen, Ganesan Kalai Selvan, Rangasamy Parthasarathy, Sonachalam Arumugam, Laxmi Chand Gupta, and Ashok Kumar Ganguli. "Superconductivity in Se-doped new materials EuSr2Bi2S4F4 and Eu2SrBi2S4F4." arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03415 (2016).

  26. Jothimurugan, R., K. Thamilmaran, S. Rajasekar, and M. A. F. Sanjuán. "Multiple resonance and anti-resonance in coupled Duffing oscillators." Nonlinear Dynamics 83,  4 (2016): 1803-1814.

  27. Senthilkumar, D. V., K. Suresh, V. K. Chandrasekar, Wei Zou, Syamal K. Dana, Thamilmaran Kathamuthu, and Jürgen Kurths. "Experimental demonstration of revival of oscillations from death in coupled nonlinear oscillators." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26,  4 (2016): 043112.

  28. Jeevarekha, A., S. Sabarathinam, K. Thamilmaran, and  Philominathan. "Analysis of 4D autonomous system with volume-expanding phase space." Nonlinear Dynamics 84,  4 (2016): 2273-2284.

  29. Premraj, D., K. Suresh, Tanmoy Banerjee, and K. Thamilmaran. "An experimental study of slow passage through Hopf and pitchfork bifurcations in a parametrically driven nonlinear oscillator." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 37 (2016): 212-221.

  30. Suresh, K., S. Sabarathinam, K. Thamilmaran, Jürgen Kurths, and Syamal K. Dana. "A common lag scenario in quenching of oscillation in coupled oscillators." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26,  8 (2016): 083104.

  31. Sharma,  R., N. K. Kamal, U. K. Verma, K. Suresh, K. Thamilmaran, and M. D. Shrimali. "Suppression and revival of oscillation in indirectly coupled limit cycle oscillators." Physics Letters A 380,  39 (2016): 3178-3184.

  32. Arulgnanam, A., Awadesh Prasad, K. Thamilmaran, and M. Daniel. "Multilayered bubbling route to SNA in a quasiperiodically forced electronic circuit with a simple nonlinear element." International Journal of Dynamics and Control 4,  4 (2016): 413-427.

  33. Premraj, D., K. Suresh, Tanmoy Banerjee, and K. Thamilmaran. "An experimental study on control of bifurcation-delay in slow passage effect." In Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics IISER Kolkata,  16,  18. 2016.

  34. Rokesh, Karuppannan, Alagarsamy Pandikumar, Kulandaivel Jeganathan, and Kandasamy Jothivenkatachalam. "Zinc oxide nanostructures and their morphology depended optical, crystalline and photocatalytic properties." Materials Focus 5,  4 (2016): 385-392.

  35. Karuppannan, Rokesh, Jeganathan Kulandaivel, and Jothivenkatachalam Kandasamy. "Zinc oxide-palladium material an efficient solar-light driven photocatalyst for degradation of congo red." Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика 7,  4 (2016).

  36. Jesuraj,  Justin, K. Jeganathan, M. Navaneethan, and Y. Hayakawa. "Far-field and hole injection enhancement by noble metal nanoparticles in organic light emitting devices." Synthetic Metals 211 (2016): 155-160.

  37. Dharmaraj, ,  Justin Jesuraj, and K. Jeganathan. "Tuning a Schottky barrier of epitaxial graphene/4H-SiC (0001) by hydrogen intercalation." Applied Physics Letters 108,  5 (2016): 051605.

  38. P. Dharmaraj, P. Sundara Venkatesh, Pravin Kumar, K. Asokan, and K. Jeganathan. "Direct growth of few layer graphene on SiO 2 substrate by low energy carbon ion implantation." RSC Advances 6,  103 (2016): 101347-101352.

  39. Karthiga, S., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Twofold PT symmetry in nonlinearly damped dynamical systems and tailoring PT regions with position-dependent loss-gain profiles." Physical Review A 93,  1 (2016): 012102.

  40. Manikandan, K., M. Senthilvelan, and R. A. Kraenkel. "Amplification of matter rogue waves and breathers in quasi-two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates." The European Physical Journal B 89,  2 (2016): 30.

  41. Ananth, N., and M. Senthilvelan. "On the non-k-separability of Dicke class of states and N-qudit W states." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55,  3 (2016): 1854-1870.

  42. Manikandan, K.,  Muruganandam, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Manipulating localized matter waves in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates." Physical Review E 93,  3 (2016): 032212.

  43. Premalatha, K., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Different kinds of chimera death states in nonlocally coupled oscillators." Physical Review E 93,  5 (2016): 052213.

  44. Mohanasubha, R., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Interplay of symmetries and other integrability quantifiers in finite-dimensional integrable nonlinear dynamical systems." Proc. R. Soc. A 472,  2190 (2016): 20150847.

  45. Pradeep, R. Gladwin, V. K. Chandrasekar, R. Mohanasubha, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Order preserving contact transformations and dynamical symmetries of scalar and coupled Riccati and Abel chains." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 36 (2016): 303-318.

  46. Priya, N. Vishnu, and M. Senthilvelan. "N-bright–bright and N-dark–dark solitons of the coupled generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 36 (2016): 366-377.

  47. Tiwari, Ajey K., S. N. Pandey, V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "The inverse problem of a mixed Liénard-type nonlinear oscillator equation from symmetry perspective." Acta Mechanica 227,  7 (2016): 2039-2051.

  48. Ananth, N., and M. Senthilvelan. "Identifying non-k-separability of a class of N-qubit complete graph states using correlation tensors." The European Physical Journal D 70,  7 (2016): 149.

  49. Manikandan, K., and M. Senthilvelan. "An analysis of spatiotemporal localized solutions in the variable coefficients (3+ 1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with six different forms of dispersion parameters." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26,  7 (2016): 073116.

  50. Premalatha, K., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Imperfectly synchronized states and chimera states in two interacting populations of nonlocally coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators." Physical Review E 94,  1 (2016): 012311.

  51. Karthiga, S., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Systems that become PT symmetric through interaction." Physical Review A 94,  2 (2016): 023829.

  52. Manikandan, Kannan, Murugaian Senthilvelan, and Roberto André Kraenkel. "On the characterization of vector rogue waves in two-dimensional two coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with distributed coefficients." The European Physical Journal B 89,  10 (2016): 218.

  53. Premalatha, K., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Chimera states in two interacting populations of nonlocally coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators." In Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics IISER Kolkata,  16,  18. 2016.

  54. Karthiga, S., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "On the nonreciprocal nature of PT symmetrically coupled systems." In Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics IISER Kolkata,  16,  18. 2016.

  55. Sabari, S., K. Porsezian, and  Muruganandam. "study on the stabilization of attractive bose-einstein condensates using projection operator method." Romanian Reports in Physics 68,  3 (2016): 990-1003.

  56. Satarić, Bogdan, Vladimir Slavnić, Aleksandar Belić, Antun Balaz, Paulsamy Muruganandam, and Sadhan K. Adhikari. "Catalogue identifier: AEDU_v3_0 Distribution format: tar. gz." Journal reference: Comput. Phys. Commun 200 (2016): 411.

  57. Lončar, Vladimir, Antun Balaž, Aleksandar Bogojević, Srdjan Škrbić, Paulsamy Muruganandam, and Sadhan K. Adhikari. "CUDA programs for solving the time-dependent dipolar Gross–Pitaevskii equation in an anisotropic tra" Computer Physics Communications 200 (2016): 406-410.

  58. Satarić, Bogdan, Vladimir Slavnić, Aleksandar Belić, Antun Balaž, Paulsamy Muruganandam, and Sadhan K. Adhikari. "Hybrid OpenMP/MPI programs for solving the time-dependent Gross–Pitaevskii equation in a fully anisotropic tra" Computer Physics Communications 200 (2016): 411-417.

  59. Manikandan, K., Muruganandam, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Manipulating localized matter waves in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates." Physical Review E 93,  3 (2016): 032212.

  60. Nakamura, Katsuhiro, Doniyor Babajanov, Davron Matrasulov, Michikazu Kobayashi, and Paulsamy Muruganandam. "Dynamics of trapped interacting vortices in Bose–Einstein condensates: a role of breathing degree of freedom." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49,  31 (2016): 315102.

  61. Young-S, Luis E., Dušan Vudragović, Paulsamy Muruganandam, Sadhan K. Adhikari, and Antun Balaž. "OpenMP Fortran and C programs for solving the time-dependent Gross–Pitaevskii equation in an anisotropic tra" Computer Physics Communications 204 (2016): 209-213.

  62. Kumar, Ramavarmaraja Kishor, Thangarasu Sriraman, Henrique Fabrelli, Paulsamy Muruganandam, and Arnaldo Gammal. "Three-dimensional vortex structures in a rotating dipolar Bose–Einstein condensate." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49,  15 (2016): 155301.

  63. Bhuvaneswari, S., K. Nithyanandan,  Muruganandam, and K. Porsezian. "Modulation instability in quasi-two-dimensional spin–orbit coupled Bose–Einstein condensates." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49,  24 (2016): 245301.

  64. Lončar, Vladimir, Luis E. Young-S, Srdjan Škrbić, Paulsamy Muruganandam, Sadhan K. Adhikari, and Antun Balaž. "OpenMP, OpenMP/MPI, and CUDA/MPI C programs for solving the time-dependent dipolar Gross–Pitaevskii equation." Computer Physics Communications 209 (2016): 190-196

  65. Bhuvaneswari, S., K. Nithyanandan,  Muruganandam, and K. Porsezian. "Modulational instability in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates." In Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics IISER Kolkata,  16,  18. 2016.

  66. Sangeetha, K., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Linear optical properties of l-arginine monohydrobromide monohydrate (LAHBr) single crystals." Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 127,  1 (2016): 331-335.

  67. Gandhi, T. Indira, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and M. Arivanandhan. "Electrical and optical properties of Co 2+: SnO 2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27,  2 (2016): 1662-1669.

  68. Gandhi, T. Indira, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and M. Arivanandhan. "Effect of Mn doping on the electrical and optical properties of SnO2 thin films deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis technique." Thin Solid Films 598 (2016): 195-203.

  69. Renuka, N., R. Ramesh Babu, N. Vijayan, G. Bhagavannarayana, and Kanika Thukral. "Crystalline perfection, thermal, optical and dielectric studies on organic L-alanine L-alaninium picrate monohydrate single crystals." Materials Research Innovations 20,  2 (2016): 138-144.

  70. Margoni, Mudaliar Mahesh, S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Sethuraman. "Investigation on the pure and fluorine doped vanadium oxide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis method." Thin Solid Films 606 (2016): 51-56.

  71. Margoni, Mudaliar Mahesh, S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Sethuraman. "Investigation on vanadium oxide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique." In AIP Conference Proceedings,  1728,  1,  020272. AIP Publishing, 2016.

  72. Velusamy, , R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of spray deposited lithium doped CdO thin films." In AIP Conference Proceedings,  1731,  1,  080022. AIP Publishing, 2016.

  73. Praveen,  A., and R. Ramesh Babu. "Effect of substituents on polarizability and hyperpolarizability values of benzimidazole metal complexes." In AIP Conference Proceedings,  1731,  1,  090013. AIP Publishing, 2016.

  74. Mathuri, S., K. Ramamurthi, and R. Ramesh Babu. "Effect of substrate temperature on the structural and optical properties of CdSe thin film deposited by electron beam evaporation technique." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27,  7 (2016): 7582-7588.

  75. Raja, S.,  V. Bhuvaneswari, R. Ramesh Babu, V. Gokulakrishnan, and K. Ramamurthi. "Studies on the structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of (CdO) x (ZnO) 1− x thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis method." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27,  8 (2016): 8111-8117.

  76. Velusamy, , R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, E. Elangovan, J. Viegas, M. S. Dahlem, and M. Arivanandhan. "Characterization of spray pyrolytically deposited high mobility praseodymium doped CdO thin films." Ceramics International 42,  11 (2016): 12675-12685.

  77. Mathuri, S., K. Ramamurthi, and R. Ramesh Babu. "Influence of Deposition Distance on the Properties of CdSe Thin Films by Electron Beam Evaporation Technique." Advanced Science Letters 22,  11 (2016): 3886-3888.

  78. Sarathbavan, M., Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, K. Ramamurthi, and R. Ramesh Babu. "Structural and Optical Properties of Nickel Ferrite Thin Film Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Technique." Advanced Science Letters 22,  11 (2016): 3844-3846.

  79. Vadivel, M., R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and M. Arivanandhan. "CTAB cationic surfactant assisted synthesis of CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles." Ceramics International 42,  16 (2016): 19320-19328.

  80. Saravanan, M., T. C. Sabari Girisun, G. Vinitha, and S. Venugopal Rao. "Improved third-order optical nonlinearity and optical limiting behaviour of (nanospindle and nanosphere) zinc ferrite decorated reduced graphene oxide under continuous and ultrafast laser excitation." RSC Advances 6,  94 (2016): 91083-91092.

  81. Saravanan, M., T. C. Sabari Girisun, and G. Vinitha. "Third-order nonlinear optical properties and power limiting behavior of magnesium ferrite under CW laser (532 nm, 50 mW) excitation." Journal of materials science 51,  6 (2016): 3289-3296.

  82. C., Jeganathan, Pavithra N, T. C. Sabari Girisun, Anandan S, and Ashokkumar M. "Enhanced photocurrent generation in bacteriorhodopsin based bio-sensitized solar cells using gel electrolyte." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 162 (2016): 208-212.

  83. Indumathi, C., T. C. Sabari Girisun, K. Anitha, and S. Alfred Cecil Raj. "Elucidation of two photon absorption of ethylenediaminium (2, 4-dinitrophenolate) crystals." Optical Materials 60 (2016): 214-220.

  84. Priyadarshani, N., S. Venugopal Rao, and T. C. Sabari Girisun. "Investigation of the femtosecond optical limiting properties of monoclinic copper niobate." Applied Physics B 122,  10 (2016): 256.

  85. Priyadarshani, N., T. C. Sabari Girisun, and C. Ravidhas. "Enhanced electrical behaviour of monoclinic p-CuNb2O6." Materials Research Bulletin 84 (2016): 39-45.

  86. Kavinkumar, T., P. Senthilkumar, S. Dhanuskodi, and S. Manivannan. "Dielectric transition and ferroelectric properties of graphene oxide-barium titanate nanocomposites." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37,  4 (2017): 1401-1409.

  87. Manikandan, M., S. Dhanuskodi, N. Maheswari, G. Muralidharan, C. Revathi, RT Rajendra Kumar, and G. Mohan Rao. "High performance supercapacitor and non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor based on tellurium nanoparticles." Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 13 (2017): 40-48.

  88. Karthik, K., S. Dhanuskodi, C. Gobinath, S. Prabukumar, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Andrographis paniculata extract mediated green synthesis of CdO nanoparticles and its electrochemical and antibacterial studies." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28,  11 (2017): 7991-8001.

  89. Karthik, Kaliaperumal, S. Dhanuskodi, C. Gobinath, S. Prabukumar, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of hydrothermally prepared CdO nanoparticles." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28,  15 (2017): 11420-11429.

  90. Senthilkumar, P., S. Dhanuskodi, Anitta Rose Thomas, and Reji Philip. "Enhancement of nonlinear optical and temperature dependent dielectric properties of Ce:BaTiO3 nano and submicron particles." Materials Research Express 4,  8 (2017): 085027.

  91. Karthik, K., S. Dhanuskodi, C. Gobinath, S. Prabukumar, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Dielectric and antibacterial studies of microwave assisted calcium hydroxide nanoparticles." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28,  21 (2017): 16509-16518.

  92. Karthik, K., S. Dhanuskodi, S. Prabu Kumar, C. Gobinath, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Microwave assisted green synthesis of MgO nanorods and their antibacterial and anti-breast cancer activities." Materials Letters 206 (2017): 217-220.

  93. Guruparan, S., V. Ravichandran, V. Chinnathambi, and S. Rajasekar. "Coexistence of multiple attractors, hysteresis, and vibrational resonance in the classical Morse oscillator driven by an amplitude modulated signal." Український фізичний журнал 62,№ 1 (2017): 51-59.

  94. Abirami, K., S. Rajasekar, and M. A. F. Sanjuan. "Vibrational resonance in a harmonically trapped potential system." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 47 (2017): 370-378.

  95. Rajamani, S., and S. Rajasekar. "Variation of response amplitude in parametrically driven single Duffing oscillator and unidirectionally coupled Duffing oscillators." Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 6,  1 (2017): 121-129.

  96. Jothi, V. Bala Shunmuga, S. Selvaraj, V. Chinnathambi, and S. Rajasekar. "Bifurcations and chaos in two-coupled periodically driven four-well Duffing-van der Pol oscillators." Chinese Journal of Physics 55,  5 (2017): 1849-1856.

  97. Meenakshi, MV Sethu, S. Athisayanathan, V. Chinnathambi, and S. Rajasekar. "Analytical estimates of the effect of amplitude modulated signal in nonlinearly damped Duffing-vander Pol oscillator." Chinese Journal of Physics 55,  6 (2017): 2208-2217.

  98. Pervin, Rukshana, Manikanadan Krishnan, Amit Kumar Rana, M. Kannan, S. Arumugam, and Parasharam M. Shirage. "Enhancement of superconducting critical current density by Fe impurity substitution in NbSe 2 single crystals and the vortex pinning mechanism." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19,  18 (2017): 11230-11238.

  99. Mary, A., and S. Arumugam. "Structural and Optical Studies of Molarity Based ZnO Thin Films." In Nano Hybrids and Composites, vol. 17, 140-148. Trans Tech Publications, 2017.

  100. Haque, Z., G. S. Thakur, G. K. Selvan, S. Arumugam, L. C. Gupta, and A. K. Ganguli. "High-pressure studies of superconductivity in Formula Not Shown." BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 40,  6 (2017): 1121-1125.

  101. Haque, Zeba, Gohil Singh Thakur, Rangasamy Parthasarathy, Birgit Gerke, Theresa Block, Lukas Heletta, Rainer Pöttgen et al. "Unusual Mixed Valence of Eu in Two Materials EuSr2Bi2S4F4 and Eu2SrBi2S4F4: Mössbauer and X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy Investigations." Inorganic chemistry 56,  6 (2017): 3182-3189.

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  103. Thiyagarajan, R., S. Arumugam, P. Sivaprakash, M. Kannan, C. Saravanan, and Wenge Yang. "Hydrostatic pressure effect on the spin reorientation transition of ferromagnetic Sm0. 7− xLaxSr0. 3MnO3 (x= 0, 0.1) polycrystals." Journal of Applied Physics 121,  21 (2017): 215902.

  104. Arumugam, S., Subrata Ghosh, Arup Ghosh, U. Devarajan, M. Kannan, L. Govindaraj, and Kalyan Mandal. "Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the magnetic, exchange bias and magnetocaloric properties of Ni45. 5Co2Mn37. 5Sn15." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712 (2017): 714-719.

  105. Manikandan, K., P. Neha, G. Kalai Selvan, B. Wang, Y. Uwatoko, K. Ishigaki, R. Jha, V. P. S. Awana, S. Arumugam, and S. Patnaik. "Possibility for conventional superconductivity in Sr0. 1Bi2Se3 from high-pressure transport studies." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 118,  4 (2017): 47008.

  106. Mary, A. Jacquiline Regina, and S. Arumugam. "Indium doped Zinc oxide thin films: Effect on structural, optical and electrical characteristics." (2017).

  107. Arumugam, S., C. Ganguli, R. Thiyagarajan, D. Bhoi, G. Kalai Selvan, K. Manikandan, A. Pariari, P. Mandal, and Y. Uwatoko. "Effect of pressure on normal and superconducting state properties of iron based superconductor PrFeAsO0.6Fy (y= 0.12, 0.14)." Scientific reports 7,  1 (2017): 11731.

  108. Haque, Zeba, Gohil S. Thakur, Ganesan Kalai Selvan, Sonachalam Arumugam, L. C. Gupta, and A. K. Ganguli. " High-pressure studies of superconductivity in BiO0.75F0.25BiS2." Bulletin of Materials Science 40,  6 (2017): 1121-1125.

  109. Selvan, G. Kalai, and S. Arumugam. "Investigation of magnetic and transport properties of La0. 8Sm0. 2O0. 5F0. 5BiS2 superconductor under external hydrostatic pressure." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 950,  4, p. 042054. IOP Publishing, 2017.

  110. Kannan, M., G. Kalai Selvan, Z. Haque, Gohil S. Thakur, B. Wang, K. Ishigaki, Y. Uwatoko, L. C. Gupta, A. K. Ganguli, and S. Arumugam. "Superconductivity induced by external pressure in Eu3− xSrxBi2S4F4(x= 1, 2) compounds." Superconductor Science and Technology 30,  11 (2017): 115011.

  111. Kavitha, K., and S. Arumugam. "A Study On The Heat Transfer Mechanism Of A Phase Change Material Along The Three Dimensional Axis Of A Solar Wax Melting Chamber." International Journal of Renewable Energy Resources 4,  1 (2017): 13-17.

  112. Sivaprakash, P., A. Nitthin Ananth, V. Nagarajan, Sujin P. Jose, and S. Arumugam. "Remarkable enhancement of La (1-x) SmxCrO3 nanoperovskite properties: An influence of its doping concentrations." Materials Research Bulletin 95 (2017): 17-22.

  113. Arumugam, S., U. Devarajan, S. Esakki Muthu, Sanjay Singh, R. Thiyagarajan, M. Manivel Raja, NV Rama Rao, and Alok Banerjee. "Structural, transport, magnetic, magnetocaloric properties and critical analysis of Ni-Co-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 442 (2017): 460-467

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  115. Saravanan, C., R. Thiyagarajan, K. Manikandan, M. Sathiskumar, P. V. Kanjariya, J. A. Bhalodia, and S. Arumugam. "Effect of Cd doping on magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior analysis on perovskite Nd1− xCdxMnO3 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4) manganite polycrystals." Journal of Applied Physics 122,  24 (2017): 245109.

  116. Dhandayuthapani, T., R. Sivakumar, C. Sanjeeviraja, C. Gopalakrishnan, and S. Arumugam. "Microstructure, optical and magnetic properties of micro-crystalline γ-MnS film prepared by chemical bath deposition method." Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 72 (2017): 67-71.

  117. Sabarathinam, S., Christos K. Volos, and K. Thamilmaran. "Implementation and study of the nonlinear dynamics of a memristor-based Duffing oscillator." Nonlinear Dynamics 87,  1 (2017): 37-49.

  118. Premraj, D., K. Suresh, Tanmoy Banerjee, and K. Thamilmaran. "Control of bifurcation-delay of slow passage effect by delayed self-feedback." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27,  1 (2017): 013104.

  119. Jothimurugan, R., S. Sabarathinam, K. Suresh, and K. Thamilmaran. "Experimental Analogue Implementation of Memristor Based Chaotic Oscillators." In Advances in Memristors, Memristive Devices and Systems, 343-370. Springer, Cham, 2017.

  120. Palanivel, J., K. Suresh, S. Sabarathinam, and K. Thamilmaran. "Chaos in a low dimensional fractional order nonautonomous nonlinear oscillator." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 95 (2017): 33-41.

  121. Sabarathinam, S., and K. Thamilmaran. "Implementation of analog circuit and study of chaotic dynamics in a generalized Duffing-type MEMS resonator." Nonlinear Dynamics 87,  4 (2017): 2345-2356.

  122. Sabarathinam, S., and K. Thamilmaran. "Effect of variable memristor emulator in a Duffing nonlinear oscillator." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1832,  1, p. 060007. AIP Publishing, 2017.

  123. Rocha, Ronilson, Jothimurugan Ruthiramoorthy, and Thamilmaran Kathamuthu. "Memristive oscillator based on Chua’s circuit: stability analysis and hidden dynamics." Nonlinear Dynamics 88,  4 (2017): 2577-2587.

  124. Kingston, S. Leo, and K. Thamilmaran. "Bursting Oscillations and Mixed-Mode Oscillations in Driven Liénard System." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27,  07 (2017): 1730025.

  125. Premraj, D., K. Suresh, J. Palanivel, and K. Thamilmaran. "Dynamic bifurcation and strange nonchaos in a two-frequency parametrically driven nonlinear oscillator." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 50 (2017): 103-114.

  126. Suresh, K., J. Palanivel, and K. Thamilmaran. "Successive torus doubling and birth of strange non-chaotic attractors in non-linear electronic circuit." Electronics Letters 53,  22 (2017): 1464-1466

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  128. Parameshwari, R., K. Jothivenkatachalam, Craig E. Banks, and K. Jeganathan. "Acid-free co-operative self-assembly of graphene-ZnO nanocomposites and its defect mediated visible light photocatalytic activities." Physica B: Condensed Matter 506 (2017): 32-41.

  129. Jesuraj, P. Justin, R. Parameshwari, K. Kanthasamy, J. Koch, H. Pfnür, and K. Jeganathan. "Hole injection enhancement in organic light emitting devices using plasma treated graphene oxide." Applied Surface Science 397 (2017): 144-151.

  130. Sadhasivam, S., P. Manivel, K. Jeganathan, C. K. Jayasankar, and N. P. Rajesh. "Bright blue cooperative upconversion emission of Yb3+ from langbeinite K2Ti1. 887 Yb0. 113 (PO4) 3 single crystal." Materials Letters 188 (2017): 399-402.

  131. Gopalakrishnan, M., S. Gopalakrishnan, G. M. Bhalerao, and K. Jeganathan. "Multiband InGaN nanowires with enhanced visible photon absorption for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting." Journal of Power Sources 337 (2017): 130-136.

  132. A. Nithiya, C.M. Singaravelu, K. Jeganathan, and K. Jothivenkatachalam. "A potential photocatalytic, antimicrobial and anticancer activity of chitosan-copper nanocomposite." International journal of biological macromolecules 104 (2017): 1774-1782.

  133. Gopalakrishnan, S., and K. Jeganathan. "Facile fabrication of silicon nanowires as photocathode for visible-light induced photoelectrochemical water splitting." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42,  36 (2017): 22671-22676.

  134. Whitehead, K.A., Vaidya, M., Liauw, C., Brownson, D., Ramalingam, P., Kamieniak, J., Rowley-Neale, S., Tetlow, L., Wilson-Nieuwenhuis, J., Brown, D. K. Jeganathan and McBain, A. "Antimicrobial activity of graphene oxide-metal hybrids." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 123 (2017): 182-190.

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  136. Mohanasubha, R., and M. Senthilvelan. "On the symmetries of a nonlinear non-polynomial oscillator." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 43 (2017): 111-117.

  137. Premalatha, K., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Chimeralike states in two distinct groups of identical populations of coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators." Physical Review E 95,  2 (2017): 022208.

  138. Karthiga, S., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Controlling of blow-up responses by nonlinear PT-symmetric coupling." Physical Review A 95,  3 (2017): 033829.

  139. Stalin, S., M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Nonstandard bilinearization of PT-invariant nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Bright soliton solutions." Physics Letters A 381,  30 (2017): 2380-2385.

  140. Karthiga, S., V. Chithiika Ruby, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Quantum solvability of a general ordered position dependent mass system: Mathews-Lakshmanan oscillator." Journal of Mathematical Physics 58,  10 (2017): 102110.

  141. Sriraman, Thangarasu, Barnali Chakrabarti, Andrea Trombettoni, and Paulsamy Muruganandam. "Characteristic features of the Shannon information entropy of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates." The Journal of chemical physics 147,  4 (2017): 044304.

  142. Vinayagam, P. S., R. Radha, S. Bhuvaneswari, R. Ravisankar, and P. Muruganandam. "Bright soliton dynamics in spin orbit-Rabi coupled Bose-Einstein condensates." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 50 (2017): 68-76.

  143. Sabari, S., K. Porsezian, and P. Muruganandam. "Dynamical stabilization of two-dimensional trapless Bose–Einstein condensates by three-body interaction and quantum fluctuations." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 103 (2017): 232-237.

  144. Louodop, Patrick, Suman Saha, Robert Tchitnga, Paulsamy Muruganandam, Syamal K. Dana, and Hilda A. Cerdeira. "Coherent motion of chaotic attractors." Physical Review E 96,  4 (2017): 042210.

  145. Kumar, Ramavarmaraja Kishor, Paulsamy Muruganandam, Lauro Tomio, and Arnaldo Gammal. "Miscibility in coupled dipolar and non-dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates." Journal of Physics Communications 1,  3 (2017): 035012.

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  148. Leela, S., T. Deepa Rani, A. Subashini, S. Brindha, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Studies on growth and characterization of nonlinear optical material 4-chloro-4′ methoxy benzylideneaniline: a Schiff base organic material." Arabian Journal of Chemistry 10 (2017): S3974-S3981

  149. Sukumar, M., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Growth, dielectric and nonlinear optical properties of Li3Cs2B5O10 single crystals." Applied Physics B 123,  1 (2017): 24.

  150. Renuka, N., R. Ramesh Babu, N. Vijayan, Brijesh Rathi, and Kanika Thukral. "Effect of Oxygen Ion Irradiation on the Structural and Optical Properties of L-Arginine Acetate Single Crystals." In Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications, 511-519. Springer, Cham, 2017.

  151. Vadivel, M., R. Ramesh Babu, P. Selvakumar, M. Arivanandhan, and K. Ramamurthi. "Structural, Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of La Substituted CoFe2 O4 Nanoparticles." In Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications, 179-193. Springer, Cham, 2017.

  152. Raja, S., R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and N. Balamurugan. "Synthesis, Growth and Characterization of Potassium Niobate (KNbO3) Single Crystal by Top Seeded Solution Growth Method." In Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications, 467-474. Springer, Cham, 2017.

  153. Velusamy, P., R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and N. Balamurugan. "The Effect of Solvent on the Structural, Morphological, Optical and Electrical Properties of Spray Pyrolysed Boron Doped CdO Thin Films." In Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications, 367-381. Springer, Cham, 2017.

  154. Vadivel, M., M. Arivanandhan, and K. Ramamurthi. "Structural, Spectral, Morphological, Dielectric, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of La-Ni ions co-substituted CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles." Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30,  2 (2017): 441-453.

  155. Praveen, P. A., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Role of annealing on the structural and optical properties of nanostructured diaceto bis-benzimidazole Mn (II) complex thin films." Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 173 (2017): 800-808.

  156. Praveen, P. A., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Theoretical and experimental investigations on linear and nonlinear optical response of metal complexes doped PMMA films." Materials Research Express 4,  2 (2017): 025024.

  157. Sukumar, M., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Etching, dielectric and third order nonlinear optical studies on Czochralski grown Bi2ZnB2O7 single crystal." Materials Research Innovations 21,  2 (2017): 79-85.

  158. Vadivel, M., R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and M. Arivanandhan. "Enhanced dielectric and magnetic properties of polystyrene added CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles." Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 102 (2017): 1-11.

  159. Mathuri, S., K. Ramamurthi, and R. Ramesh Babu. "Influence of deposition distance and substrate temperature on the CdSe thin films deposited by electron beam evaporation technique." Thin Solid Films 625 (2017): 138-147.

  160. Jothi, L., G. Anuradha, G. Vasuki, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Crystal structure of N-(p-methylbenzylidene)-p-bromoaniline." Journal of Structural Chemistry 58,  2 (2017): 370-372.

  161. Raja, S., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi. "Structural and ferromagnetic properties of KNbO3 microrods." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1832,  1, p. 140045. AIP Publishing, 2017.

  162. Velusamy, P., R. Ramesh Babu, and K. T. Aparna. "Effect of Sm doping on the physical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1832,  1, p. 080085. AIP Publishing, 2017.

  163. Praveen, P. A., and R. Ramesh Babu. "Theoretical and experimental evaluation of structural and optical properties of novel zinc-benzimidazole metal complex doped in polystyrene matrices." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1832,  1, p. 140038. AIP Publishing, 2017.

  164. John, Maria Angelin Sinthiya Maria, K. Ramamurthi, K. Sethuraman, and R. Ramesh Babu. "Morphologically tuned 3D/1D rutile TiO2 hierarchical hybrid microarchitectures engineered by one-step surfactant free hydrothermal method." Applied Surface Science 405 (2017): 195-204.

  165. Velusamy, P., R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, E. Elangovan, and J. Viegas. "Effect of La doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of spray pyrolytically deposited CdO thin films." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 708 (2017): 804-812.

  166. Bhuvaneswari, P. V., K. Ramamurthi, and R. Ramesh Babu. "Influence of substrate temperature on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of copper telluride thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation method." Thin Solid Films 632 (2017): 44-49.

  167. Vadivel, M., R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, and M. Arivanandhan. "Effect of PVP concentrations on the structural, morphological, dielectric and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles." Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 11 (2017): 112-123.

  168. Kumaresan, N., K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Sethuraman, and S. Moorthy Babu. "Hydrothermally grown ZnO nanoparticles for effective photocatalytic activity." Applied Surface Science 418 (2017): 138-146.

  169. Margoni, Mudaliar Mahesh, S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Sethuraman. "Sprayed vanadium pentoxide thin films: Influence of substrate temperature and role of HNO3 on the structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties." Applied Surface Science 418 (2017): 280-290.

  170. Saravanan, M., Sabari Girisun T. C., and S. Venugopal Rao. "Super-paramagnetic and unusual nonlinear absorption switching behavior of an in situ decorated CdFe2O4–rGO nanocomposite." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5,  38 (2017): 9929-9942

  171. Sabari Girisun T. C., M. Saravanan, and G. Vinitha. "Role of reaction time in tuning the morphology and third order nonlinear optical properties of barium borate." Optics & Laser Technology 89 (2017): 54-58.

  172. Sabari Girisun T. C., R. Madhura Somayaji, N. Priyadarshani, and S. Venugopal Rao. "Femtosecond third order optical nonlinearity and optical limiting studies of (γ and β)—Barium borate nanostructures." Materials Research Bulletin 87 (2017): 102-108.

  173. Priyadarshani, N., Sabari Girisun T. C., and S. Venugopal Rao. "Influence of sintering time on switching of the femtosecond nonlinear optical properties of CuNb2O6." Optical Materials 66 (2017): 534-541.

  174. Muruganandi, G., M. Saravanan, G. Vinitha, MB Jessie Raj, and Sabari Girisun T. C.. "Effect of reducing agents in tuning the third-order optical nonlinearity and optical limiting behavior of reduced graphene oxide." Chemical Physics 488 (2017): 55-61.

  175. Jeganathan, C., Sabari Girisun T. C., S. Venugopal Rao, and K. Thamaraiselvi. "Variable ultrafast optical nonlinearity in bacteriorhodopsin achieved through simple chemical treatment." Journal of materials science 52,  11 (2017): 6866-6878.

  176. Indumathi, C., Sabari Girisun T. C., and G. Vinitha. "Influence of number and position of nitro groups in tuning the thermodynamic and nonlinear optical properties of ethylenediaminium nitrophenolates." Journal of Molecular Liquids 238 (2017): 89-95.

  177. Indumathi, C., Sabari Girisun T. C., and K. Anitha. "Structural, thermal, optical and nonlinear optical properties of ethylenediaminium picrate single crystals." Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 106 (2017): 37-43.

  178. Priyadarshani, N., Sabari Girisun T. C., and S. Venugopal Rao. "Ultrafast nonlinear optical studies of equiaxed CuNbO3 microstructures." Chemical Physics Letters 681 (2017): 95-100.

  179. 2017-2018

  180. Karthik, K., S. Dhanuskodi, C. Gobinath, S. Prabukumar, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Nanostructured CdO-NiO composite for multifunctional applications." Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 112 (2018): 106-118.

  181. Karthik, K., S. Dhanuskodi, C. Gobinath, S. Prabukumar, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Multifunctional properties of microwave assisted CdO–NiO–ZnO mixed metal oxide nanocomposite: enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activities." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29,  7 (2018): 5459-5471.

  182. Francis, P. Nisha, S. Dhanuskodi, M. S. Jayalakshmy, M. Muneeswaran, J. Philip, and N. V. Giridharan. "Optical limiting and magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BiFeO3 nanoparticles." Materials Chemistry and Physics (2018).

  183. Karthik, K., S. Dhanuskodi, C. Gobinath, S. Prabukumar, and S. Sivaramakrishnan. "Multifunctional properties of CdO nanostructures Synthesised through microwave assisted hydrothermal method." Materials Research Innovations (2018): 1-9.

  184. Rajeswari, Ponnusamy, Sivasubramanian Dhanuskodi, and K. Jothi Venkatachalam. "Impact of microwave-assisted synthesis on the morphology and rhodamine B oxidation properties of ZnO nanocomposites." Applied Nanoscience (2018): 1-10.

  185. Senthilkumar, P., S. Dhanuskodi, M. Muneeswaran, N. V. Giridharan, S. Kuila, and P. N. Vishwakarma. "Investigations on the structural, multiferroic, and magnetoelectric properties of Ba1-x Cex TiO3 particles." Journal of Applied Physics 123,  24 (2018): 244101.

  186. Dhandayuthapani, T., M. Girish, R. Sivakumar, C. Sanjeeviraja, C. Gopalakrishnan, R. S. Nagarajan, S. Mathew et al. "γ-MnS films with 3D microarchitectures: comprehensive study of the synthesis, microstructural, optical and magnetic properties." CrystEngComm 20,  5 (2018): 578-589.

  187. William, R. V., P. Sivaprakash, A. Marikani, V. Raghavendra Reddy, and S. Arumugam. "Thickness-     dependent multiferroic behavior of BiFe0. 75Cr0. 25O3 films over Pt (111)/Ti/SiO2/Si   substrate." Applied Physics A 124,  2 (2018): 196.

  188. William, R. V., P. Sivaprakash, A. Marikani, V. Raghavendra Reddy, and S. Arumugam. "Surface  modification and enhanced multiferroic behavior of BiFe0.25Cr0.75O3 films with different thickness over Pt  (111)/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrate." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29,  6 (2018): 4457- 4465.

  189. Kanjariya, P. V., G. D. Jadav, C. Saravanan, L. Govindaraj, S. Arumugam, and J. A. Bhalodia. "Detailed investigations on structural properties and transport mechanism governed in Nd1− xCdxMnO3." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29,  10 (2018): 8107-8134.

  190. Prabahar, K., N. Pavan Kumar, D. M. RajKumar, S. Arumugam, and M. Manivel Raja. "Effect of Boron addition on the microstructure, phase transitions and magnetocaloric properties in Gd-Si-Ge alloy." Intermetallics 96 (2018): 18-24.

  191. Arumugam, S., P. Sivaprakash, S. Esakki Muthu, M. Manivel Raja, K. Manikandan, and M. Kannan. "Enhanced magnetocaloric effect and magnetic properties in Ni47Mn40-xFxIn13(x= 1, 2) Heusler alloy." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2018).

  192. Pervin, Rukshana, Manikanadan Krishnan, Amit Kumar Rana, Sonachalam Arumugam, and Parasharam M. Shirage. "Effect of Cr atoms in vortex dynamics of NbSe2 superconductor and study of second magnetization peak effect." Materials Research Express 5,  7 (2018): 076001.

  193. Sasirekha, C., S. Arumugam, and G. Muralidharan. "Green synthesis of ZnO/carbon (ZnO/C) as an electrode material for symmetric supercapacitor devices." Applied Surface Science 449 (2018): 521-527.

  194. Varshney, Vaibhav, S. Sabarathinam, K. Thamilmaran, M. D. Shrimali, and Awadhesh Prasad. "Existence and control of hidden oscillations in a memristive autonomous Duffing oscillator." In Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Self-Excited and Hidden Attractors, 327-344. Springer, Cham, 2018.

  195. Varshney, Vaibhav, S. Sabarathinam, Awadhesh Prasad, and K. Thamilmaran. "Infinite number of hidden attractors in memristor-based autonomous duffing oscillator." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28,  01 (2018): 1850013.

  196. Palanivel, J., K. Suresh, D. Premraj, and K. Thamilmaran. "Effect of fractional-order, time-delay and noisy parameter on slow-passage phenomenon in a nonlinear oscillator." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 106 (2018): 35-43.

  197. Kingston, S. Leo, K. Suresh, and K. Thamilmaran. "Mixed-mode oscillations in memristor emulator based Liénard system." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1942,  1, p. 060008. AIP Publishing, 2018.

  198. Ezhilarasu, P. Megavarna, M. Inbavalli, K. Murali, and K. Thamilmaran. "Strange non-chaotic attractors in a state controlled-cellular neural network-based quasiperiodically forced MLC circuit." Pramana 91,  1 (2018): 4.

  199. G. Paulraj,  P. Dharmaraj, N. Anbarasan, S. Sadhasivam,  P. Manivel,  and K. Jeganathan,. "Promoter free synthesis of monolayer MoS 2 by chemical vapour deposition." CrystEngComm 20, (2018):4249 – 4257.

  200. Mohanasubha, R., V. K. Chandrasekar, and M. Senthilvelan. "A note on deriving linearizing transformations for a class of second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations." Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 39 (2018): 202-212.

  201. Premalatha, K., V. K. Chandrasekar, M. Senthilvelan, and M. Lakshmanan. "Stable amplitude chimera states in a network of locally coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28,  3 (2018): 033110.

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  203. Manikandan, K., N. Vishnu Priya, M. Senthilvelan, and R. Sankaranarayanan. "Deformation of dark solitons in a PT-invariant variable coefficients nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28,  8 (2018): 083103.

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