Department of Physics

Research Topics of Study and Grants

Chaos, Synchronization and Patterns

Studies on similarities and differences in the characteristics of stochastic and vibrational resonances are identified. Vibrational resonance is shown to occur only in the presence of hysteresis. Shape of the signal is found to alter the characteristics of stochastic resonance. Stability boundaries of periodic orbits and resonance dynamics are studied analytically in a two coupled Duffing - van der Pol oscillators. Analytical and numerical analysis on homoclinic bifurcations in asymmetrical Duffing oscillator are being carried out.

Analysis of spatiotemporal patterns and chaos synchronization in certain arrays of coupled dynamical systems is carried out. In particular, investigations on the nature of synchronizing transitions and size dependence in arrays of diffusively coupled dynamical systems are going on. Low dimensional behaviour and finite time predictability of coupled map lattices and arrays of diffusively coupled nonlinear oscillators are under detailed investigation. Studies on various properties in the context of chaos, different synchronization scenario in time delay systems have also been undertaken. <

Computational Physics and Data Analysis

Algorithms and efficient computer codes based on split-step Crank-Nicholson and pseudospectral methods are developed for solving partial differential equations in one-, two- and three dimensions. In particular, investigations are being made on various aspects of Bose-Einstein condensates such as the effect of periodic modulation, formation of vortex lattices, bright and dark solitons and their interactions, influence of optical lattice potential, and dipolar interactions by numerically solving the corresponding nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii (GP)/Nonlinear Schrdinger (NLS) equations in one-, two- and three-dimensions.

Data analysis on the daily temperature variations using various nonlinear time series analysis and statistical tools is carried out. Also investigations on agent-based models (eg. minority game model) in financial markets have been carried out.

Crystal Growth and Thin Film

The main objective of our research group is to grow high quality and technologically important single crystals and thin films. Important crystal growth techniques including Czochralski, Bridgman, Vertical dynamic gradient freeze, top seeded solution growth and low temperature solution growth have been developed to grow single crystals of organic, inorganic and semi-organic materials for nonlinear optical, piezoelectric and scintillator applications. Thin film deposition techniques including spray pyrolysis, spin coating and chemical bath deposition have been established for preparing thin films of transparent conducting oxide, organic-fullerene, metal-organic, perovskite materials for opto-electronic, solar cell, gas sensors and thermo-optical applications. Further, CGTF lab involves on the preparation of nanomaterials and nanocomposites for magnetic, ferroelectric, biological applications.

  •  Some technologically sound materials developed in the CGTF lab
  • Single crystals for nonlinear optical applications
  • L-Lysine, L-arginine and L-proline based semi-organic materials using unidirectional solution growth method
  • Benzimidazole, Aminobenzophenone and 8-hydroxyquinoline by vertical Bridgman and vertical dynamic gradient freeze methods
  • Alkali metal and Melilite type borate materials by Czochralski method
  • Potassium niobate by top seeded solution growth method
  • Thin films for opto-electronic, solar cells, gas sensing and thermo-optical applications
  • Rare earth and transition metal ions doped CdO, SnO2 and CoFe2O4 thinfilms by Spray pyrolysis
  • Cd2SnO4, Cu0.87Se, CuTe, GaTe and Cu4Bi4S9 thin films by electron beam evaporation
  • Benzimidazole based metal-organic complexes by chemical bath deposition technique
  • Nanomaterials for magnetic and ferroelectric applications
  • Metal-ions substituted, surfactant and polymer assisted CoFe2O4, KNbO3 nanoparticles and nanocomposites by co-precipitation method
  • Benzimidazole based metal-organic nanoparticles by re-precipitation method
Lasers, Nonlinear Optics and Nanophotonics

This research group is engaged in the research of understanding light-matter interaction at nanoscale. Research activities are primly focused on the preparation and characterization of multifunctional nanomaterials suitable for photonics applications. The underlying aim is to understand the nanostructured materials: (i) nonlinear optical behavior under high intense laser light interaction and (ii) photovoltaic performance for solar cells. Materials chosen for investigation includes layered structures, borates, niobates and biomolecules that provides rich opportunities to unravel the different aspects of advanced optics such as NLO (Frequency conversion and optical limiting) and semiconductors (photoanodes and photocathodes). Major experiments that are performed in the research group includes: Preparation of organized self-assembled thin films by Langmuir-Blodgett method, Kurtz and Perry powder technique for SHG measurement, Z-scan experiment for investigating nonlinear optical phenomena and laser induced surface damage studies. Fabrication of devices such as frequency converters (for short wavelength laser generation), optical limiters (for laser safety devices) and bio sensitized tandem solar cells (for green energy harvesting) are being under taken. Few noteworthy outcomes of the researche groups include: Enhanced broadband optical limiting in functionalized solar exfoliated reduced graphene oxide- Ag-Fe2O3 and Au-Fe2O3 nanocomposites, Bacteriorhodopsin sensitized preferentially oriented one dimensional TiO2 nanorod polymorphs as efficient photoanodes for high-performance bio-sensitized solar cells, Improved production of bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium salinarum through direct amino acid supplement in the basal medium, Copper niobate based photocathodes for p-DSSCs and tandem solar cells.

Green and Clean Energy

GLOBAL civilization requires inexpensive, reliable, and sustainable energy sources. The energy demands of today's society will continue to grow due to heavy industrialization and growing population in third world countries. Currently, faced with a dwindling supply of fossil fuels and adverse global climate change, the search for a viable source of inexpensive renewable energy is quest of ongoing research. Among the clean energy sources, solar energy is one of the most promising and fastest growing renewable energy sources worldwide, particularly much suitable for countries like India as the mercury scorches 12 Hrs a day. Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert sunlight directly into electricity and offer enormous potential as a source of sustainable energy. A large variety of planar thin films and nanomaterials technologies including nanowire arrays, quantum dot, dye-sensitized, hybrid organic and perovskite solar cells are being actively researched due to their potentially low-cost production and possibility of higher performance than current crystal Si technology. The quest in developing functional materials with wide range of absorption in the visible solar spectrum and enhanced charge separation is vital in achieving high efficient solar cells.

The researchers in our department are focused on the development of sustainable fabrication routes for functional materials, characterize their functional properties and to determine sustainable, cost-effective processing for the fabrication of green energy harvesting devices. The novel green approaches include, Nanowire Solar cell, Dye-sensitized solar cell, Hybrid-organic polymers solar cell, Mesoscopic perovskite solar cells and PEC water splitting for Hydrogen generation.

Centre for High Pressure Research ( )

In order to encourage research in the area of high pressure and low temperature studies, in 2008, the university initiated a Centre for High Pressure Research in the Department of Physics. The Centre investigates experimentally various materials such as manganites, superconductors, diluted manganite semiconductors and organic conductors at extreme conditions like high pressure (3-6GPa), low temperature (2K) and high magnetic field (9Tesla). Correlated electrons with multi-degrees of freedom can host the correlation phenomena. Strong coupling exists between lattice strain and orbital ordering. The Centre has a facility to investigate the interplay of spin, charge and orbital coupling through hydrostatic and uniaxial pressure of various strongly correlated systems at low temperature and high magnetic field. The Centre has developed indigenous high pressure devices for transport measurements.

Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (

In view of initiating research in emerging and frontier topics, a Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology has been established in 2008 in the Department of Physics by the University. The mission of the Centre is to promote, develop and binding interdisciplinary research activities in Bharathidasan University. Nano User Facility is created to extend the the state of the art experimental facilities to internal/external and industrial users at nominal cost.

Centre for nanoscience and nanotechnology has diversified its research interest in the following areas, (i) One-dimensional self-assembled nitride semiconductor (GaN, InN, AlN and its alloys, core-shell nanowires) nanostructures for LEDs, Solar cell and water splitting applications, (ii) 2D layered materials (Graphene, MoS2, WS2, NbS2, etc), (iii) Hybrid organic and inorganic Pervoskites for next generation photovoltaic applications, (iv) Photo-electrochemical assisted water splitting and (v) Drug Delivery and SERS detection of bio molecules.

Research Grant

General Grant for Research and Teaching from Agencies

# Agency and Programme Duration Amount in Lakh (Rs.)
1. DDST-FIST- Level I Phase I 2000-2005 36.00
2. DST-FIST- Level I Phase II 2007 - 2012 118.00
3. UGC – SAP (DRS – Phase I) 2007 - 2012 47.00
4. UGC – Infrastructure (Non-SAP) 2007 – 2008 15.00
5. UGC – Infrastructure (DRS – I) 2008 – 2009 20.00
6. UGC-SAP-DRS-Phase II 2013 - 2018 75.00
7. DST-FIST- Level I Phase II 2016 - 2021 189.00
8. RUSA (R & I) 2017 - 2019 150.00

Research Grant from Agencies (Ongoing)

The Department of Physics has completed several research projects in the areas of nonlinear dynamics, biophysics, thin films, crystal growth, nonlinear optical materials, high pressure studies and Nanotechnology funded mainly by DST, UGC, CSIR, DAE, DRDO etc. At present, the following research projects are in progress

# Project Investigator Title of the Project Agency Duration Amount in Lakh  
1. Dr. K. Jeganathan (Project Coordinator) Development of Advanced Multifunctional Semiconductors and Organic-inorganic Hybrid nanomaterials for Green and Clean Energy Technology Sources RUSA 2.0 2021-On going 118.67
2. Dr. R. Ramesh Babu Optimization and fabrication of Lead-free Stable bi-metallic based organic-inorganic halide perovskite solar cell devices UGC-DAE CSR Collaborative Research Scheme 2022-2025 4.86
3. Dr. T. C. Sabari Girisun Harvesting Sub-Bandgap Photons using Upconverter Driven Hybrid Solar Cells SERB-SURE 2023-2026 28.92

Number of ongoing projects and their total outlay
No. of Projects Total Outlay in
03 581.92 Lakhs

Research projects completed during last 5 years (2018-2013)

# Project Investigator Title of the Project Agency Duration Amount in Lakh
1 HOD, Department of Physics DST-FIST Level – I (Phase II) DST 2016-2021 189.00
2 Dr. S. Arumugam Pressure Induced Quantum+B8+C10:C19+C10:C16+C10:C18+C10:C20+C10:C22+C10:C21+C+C10:C19 DAE-BRNS 2021-2024 47.0
3 Dr. S. Arumugam Tuning of magnetocaloric properties of Heusler alloys for room temperature magnetic refrigeration applications TANSCHE 2021-2024 46.0
4 Dr. S. Arumugam Integrated Self Powered Energy Storage Systems DST-TMD-MES 2020-2023 9.4
5 Dr. S. Arumugam Structural and transport of chalcogenide superconductors under extreme conditions of high pressure (50 GPa), low temperature (2K), and High magnetic field (9 T) UGC-DAE- CSR 2020-2023 7.0
6 Dr. S. Arumugam Investigation of Transport, Magnetic and Electrochemical properties of Nanostructured Conductive Diamond films for Superconductivity and Pesticides sensing applications DST- Indo- Poland, New Delhi 2020-2022 7.2
7 Dr. S. Arumugam> Synthesis, Characterization, Application and Pressure Effect on Atom-Thin 2D Superconductors DST-ASEAN 2019-2022 21.0
8 Dr. S. Arumugam Investigation of transport and magnetic properties of novel Fe- and BiS2- based superconductors under extreme conditions of high pressure, low temperature and high magnetic field DST-SERB 2019-2022 212.0
9 Dr. S. Arumugam Synthesis and physical properties of new superconductors using high-pressure technique DST-JSPS 2018-2021 6.2
10 Dr. S. Arumugam Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetocaloric studies on Heusler alloys at extreme conditions of Pressure, Temperature and Magnetic field UGC-DAE- CSR, Indore 2018-2021 7.0
11 Dr. K. Jeganathan Sustainable Energy Technology-Efficient renewable energy power generation with energy storage for sustainable smart grid RUSA 1.0 2017-2019 150.0
12 Dr. K. Jeganathan One Dimensional semiconductor based (In,Ga)N Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation DRDO 2016-2019 60.71
13 Dr. K. Jeganathan III- Nitride Semiconductor Core-Shell Nanowires for Next Generation Photovoltaic Applications DST - Nanomission 2016-2019 33.41
14 Dr. P. Muruganandam Exciton-Polariton Bose-Einstein Condensates in Semiconductor Microcavities DST SERB 2019-2022 20.06
15 Dr. R. Ramesh Babu (PI) and Dr. K. Jeganathan (Co-PI) Hole Transport Materials-Free Fully Inorganic Mixed Halide Perovskite Solar Cells via Cost-effective Spray Method DST SERB 2020-2023 34.98
16 Dr. T. C. Sabari Girisun Nanocomposite rGO/BBO Thin Films for Human Eye and Photosensitive Components Protection from Intense Laser Radiations CSIR 2017-2020 9.0
Number of completed projects and their total outlay
Projects Total Outlay in
17 675.81 Lakhs

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