Department of Economics

List of Events

Date Events
24.03.2012 UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Application of Econometrics in Research
23.04.2013 - 25.04.2013 IPN, Mexico Sposored 8th International Congress on Climate Change, Territorial Classification & Socio-Economic Crisis
17.02.2015 UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Unorganised Sector Workers

UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Mobile Banking System and Indian Economy

24.02.2016 Disaster Management & Preparedness (Geomatics and Socio-Economic Issues
15.03.2017 - 16.03. 2017

ICSSR, RBI, & SBI Sponsored National Seminar on Social Safety Net through Food Security in India

22.03.2017 UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Application of Time Series Econometrics in Research
26.10.2017 - 15.11.2017 UGC HRDC - Refresjer Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences
22.03.2017 UGC Sponsored One Day Workshop on “Application of Time Series Econometrics in Research”
14.07.2017 General Body Meeting of Economic Fourm
21.07.2017 Inauguration Function and English Communication and Soft Skills
09.02.2018 Analysis of Union Budget
04.03.2019 - 11.03.2019 Internship Programme for Under Graduate Economics Students
27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019 Internship Programme for Under Graduate Economics Students
08.11.2019 First Professor S. Neelakantan Endownment Lecture
08.11.2019 Rev. Fr. Dr. M.Sebastian Memorial Lecture
09.12.2019 - 13.12.2019 Internship Programme for Under Graduate Economics Students
28.02.2020 ISLE Endownment Lecture 2020
01.03.2021 – 05.03.2021 Internship Programme for Economics Students
19.01.2022 – 25.01.2022 UGC – Sponsored Online Short Term Cource in Entrepreneurship & Skill Development – UGC –HRDC
01.08.2022 Drawing Competition : Freedom Movement: People, Places, Happenings, Events, etc
02.08.2022 Elocution Competition : Writings of Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar, Bharathiar, Bharathidasan etc
03.08.2022 Debate Competition: Thoughts on Freedom Fighters, Activities of National & Tamilnadu Leaders, Dedication of new research facilities
04.08.2022 75 Quotes on Freedom: 75 Business Leaders Contributing to Freedom, 75 Selected Nobel Prize Themes During Pre-Indian Independence Period 75 Selected Nobel Prize Themes During Post-Indian Independence Period
05.08.2022 Writing Comeptition : Eassy Writing - Poem Writing - Skit- Dance - Drama
06.08.2022 Meeting and Honouring : Near Relatives of Martyrs of Army, Navy, Air Force and Paramilitary Forces in Consultation with District Administration
07.08.2022 Meeting and Honouring : Local/ District Corona Warriors and Near Relative of Such Warriors Who Died in Service
08.08.2022 Rangoli Competition : Powder and Rangoli – Floral Arrangements
09.08.2022 Meeting and Honouring : Environmental Conservation Activists
10.08.2022 Mime Competition : National Integration
11.08.2022 Dump Chat Competition : Freedom movement Places, Persons, Events etc.
12.08.2022 Drawing Competition : Event Related to the Freedom Struggle
13.08.2022 75 Years of Economic Development in Post -Independence India
14.08.2022 Round Table Conference Enact - Living an Hour as Mahatma Gandhi
15.08.2022 Special Appreciation Achievement in Sports 756th Years of Independence
22.08.2022 Pre-Congress Symposium on Fiscal Federalism: Tenets and Trends
25.11.2022 Panel Discussion on ‘India: Mother of Democracy’
26.12.2022 State Level Seminar on Naturopathy Yoga Kendra and Clinic (NYKC)
25.01.2023 State Level Seminar on Naturopathy Yoga Kendra and Clinic (NYKC)
27.01.2023 - 31.01.2023 XLVI Indian Social Science Congress
06.03.2023 First Professor S. Neelakantan Endowment Lecture 2022-23
08.03.2023 International Women’s Day Celebration - 2023
28.03.2023 ISLE Endowment Lecture 2022-23
28.03.2023 Orientation Programme for Under Graduate Economics Students
12.07.2023 - 25.07.2023 UGC Sponsored Online Refresher Course in Economics

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We will create a brave new world