Department of Social Work


Date Event
29.11.2012 - 30.11.2012 Workshop on "International Social Work - Experiences, Reflections and Future perspectives"
10.1.2013- 12.1.2013 Workshop on "Scientific Writing & Publication"
18.1.2013 - 19.1.2013 UGC Sponsored - International Conference on "Child and Adolescent Mental Health"
27.3.2013 - 28.3.2013 National conference on "working with Youth women, children, with HIV/AIDS: Strategic Intervention for Inclusive Development"
26.3.2014 Workshop on "Disability and Inclusive Development"
29.10.2014 - 31.10.2014 ICSSR Sponsored Workshop on "Psycho-Educational Skills for Teachers of Higher Education"
4.12.2014 - 5.12.2014 Workshop on "Disaster Management And Psycho Social Care"
12.11.2014 A Orientation Program on Social Work and Eco-Social Justice : "An Emerging Area of Thought and Practice in Social Work"
11.12.2014 Workshop on "Child rights"
17.12.2014 - 19.12.2014 International Workshop on "Strengthening Counselling Skills for Social Workers"
16.2.2015 UGC sponsored National conference on "Contemporary social issues and problems"
6.8.2015 Fieldwork practicum and curriculum of Social work profession in India and Abroad
7.12.2015 - 9.12.2015 International Workshop on "Cognitive Behaviour Therapy"
5.2.2016 International conference on "At risk sections of society"
6.9.2016 - 10.9.2016 Certified Memory Training Programme for Trainers
5.12.2016 National Seminar on "Harnessing Tribal human resources: challenges and opportunities"
1.2.2017 - 2.2.2017 National Workshop on "Child Guidance and Counselling"
24.3.2017 - 25.3.2017 UGC sponsored National Seminar on "Social Work in Mental Health under UGC-SAP-DRS I"
10.3.2017 National workshop on "Creating Excellence beyond Curriculum"
25.9.2017 National Workshop on "Psychological First Aid"
04.10.2017 - 6.10.2017 Orientation Programme on "Geriatric Care for Functionaries of Old age Homes/ Day care Centres"
25.10.2017 - 26.10.2017 International Conference on "School Mental Health"
2.11.2017 Workshop on "Safe and Healthy use of technology (SHUT)"
7.2.2018 Workshop on "Child rights Protection and school mental health for school teachers"
10.2.2018 Alumni Meet
16.2.2018 - 17.2.2018 UGC sponsored International Conference on "Social Work and Community Mental health under UGC-SAP-DRS I"
24.4.2018 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture

'புதியதோர் உலகம் செய்வோம்'
We will create a brave new world