Department of Women's Studies
- 01 Nov. 2012 : " A one day seminar on “Status of Women in India & Italy: a Comparative Perspective"
- 18 Feb. 2013 : "One day Seminar on “Gender Perspective of Child Rights in Sweden and India"
- 29-30 Apr. 2013 : "Two day National Seminar on “Issues and challenges of Women in Indian Society"
- 10-11, Dec. 2013 : "Two Day National Seminar on “Human Rights: Dynamics and Dialectics"
- 18-07-2013 : One day Seminar on "Remembering Vina Mazumdar and Sharmila Rege -Women's Studies Scholars - Who passed away in May and July 2013 respectively - leaving their tremendous contributions to Women's Studies and Women's Movement"
- 19-07-2013 : "One day Seminar on "Women and Health"
- 16-07-2013 : "One day Consultative Workshop on Training Module preparation on 'Developing Positive Discipline on Social Equity' "
- 28 Sept. 2013 : One day Workshop on "Awareness on Family Laws- in an Inclusive Perspective" in collaboration with District Legal Services Authority, Tiruchirapalli District"
- 10-11, Oct. 2013 : A Two Day Workshop on " Research Methodology in Social Sciences"
- 24-25 Jan. 2014: "UGC-Two Day National Workshop on Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Possible Challenges on Rights and Status of Women"
- 19 March 2014: Two day Workshop Reproductive Rights of Women - a Workshop for Women Leaders of Muslim Minority - organized jointly with WIND TrustWS
- 07.03.2014: "International Women's Day 2014 with the funding support from US Consulate Training on Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013 on Sexual Harassment against Women and Girl Children" organized jointly with WIND Trust
- 05.06.2014 : World Environmental Day
- 11.12.2014 : "Maha Kavi Subramania Bharathiar Birth Day Celebration and One day Seminar on Bharathiar Feminism and his contributions and message towards Women Empowerment"
- 16.12.2014 : "One day Seminar and Competition for Students jointly organized with Inner Wheel Club, Tiruchirapalli in connection with UN International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women Campaign End Violence Say No to Violence"
- 31.01.2015 : "One day National Seminar on “Honour Crime in India: Lessons and Cautions"
- 23-24, Feb. 2015 : Two day National Seminar on "Women Leaders and Achievers in Various Fields-Documentation and Publication of their Struggles and Contribution"
- 15-16, Oct. 2015 : Two day National Seminar on "Vision 2020: Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's Dreams through Women in collaboration with Publication Division, Bharathidasan University"
- 18.11.2016 : One Day Interactive Workshop in collaboration with Department of Eco-biotechnology, "Input Generation for Smart City" on gender and public needs perspectives
- 03.09.2015 : One day Seminar on "Entrepreneurial Opportunities on Health and Hygiene Products"
- 04.09.2015 : One day seminar on "Gender and Caste"
- 12.10.2015 : Interactive Seminar on "Preparing Youth for Better Tomorrow"
- 26.10.2015 : One day Seminar on "Strategies for Improving Higher Education in Developing Countries"
- 29.10.2015 : One day Seminar on "World Food Security and Sovereignty Day and Rural Women's Day" with Minor Millet based food festival inviting rural women, and students, faculty and staff
- 24.11.2015 : One day Seminar on "POCSO ACT"
- 25.11.2015 : International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women with Legal Services Authority, One Day Seminar for Matriculation School Teachers with the One Day Seminar on "Legislations Protecting Women in India- Challenges in Implementation
- 11-12 Feb. 2016 : Two day National Seminar on "Women in Public Administration"
- 18-19 Feb. 2016 : Southern Regional Workshop on Documenting Contributions of Women's Movements
- 30.04.2016 : National Workshop on "Gender Friendly Policies in Higher Education Institutions"
- 05.12.2016 : One day Seminar for Students and Research Scholars "UN Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women"
- 23.02.2017 : UGC-Sponsored One Day National Workshop on Public Safety of Women and Girls: Issues, Challenges and Concerns
- 27-28, Feb. 2017 : National Seminar on "Gender and Social Barriers for Women Scientists and Technocrats-Challenges and Concerns"
- 08.03.17 : One day Workshop on "Role of Youth in Promoting Gender Equality" on the International Working Women's Day
- 06.07.17 : Invited Interactive Seminar Series "Human Rights and Women Empowerment" 06.07.17
- 18.09.2017 : One day Seminar on Recent Supreme Court Judgment on 498A IPC 2017 to prevent Misuse- Directions and Dilutions: Gender Implications
- 12.09.17 : One Day Seminar on "Preparing for Service Commission Exams- Scope for Rural and Women Graduates"
- 20.09.2017 : One day Training of Trainers Workshop for the Gender Champion Club and Legal awareness to Students of affiliated colleges, jointly with Jamal Mohammed College, Tiruchirapalli
- 24.10.2017 : One day International Seminar on "Global Warming and its impact on Women and Environment"
- 03.03.2020-10.03.2020 : Weeklong Women's day Programme 2020