Department of Women's Studies
Basic and Advanced Facilities and Equipments with UGC funding and University Support
- Computer Systems with internet connectivity, scanner, Lap Top
- Xerox cum Copier, LCD ,Over Head Projector
- Digital Camera, Video Camera, Television with DVD and VCD Players
- Spiral Finding Facility
- A Maruti Omni Vehicle
- Air Conditioners
- Library with minimum books, Journals, Newsletters, and all major reports related to Women’s Studies
- A group of Faculty members to offer consultancy to social sector or educational institutions on gender sensitization, women empowerment, women entrepreneurship etc.
- A state of art technology based Apparel Manufacturing Training Lab with computer K-Yan Machine, based teaching for the below poverty line youth
- A stain removing machine for training to remove textile stain without carbon emission.
- Sanitary napkin manufacturing unit with machine, dyes, compression, core forming machines.
- A/C Seminar hall with a capacity of 75 seats along with Public Address System.
- Training Hall and Women Entrepreneurs Association and Training
- DRDA sponsored Permanent Retail Outlet for SHG Women Products Sale at Sooriyur campus
- Permanent Retail Outlet for SHG Women Product
- Women Entrepreneurship Training Consultancy Centre
- Placement Cell for Women & Students
- Counselling Centre for Deserted Women